Showing posts with label Workout Bunnies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Workout Bunnies. Show all posts

Workout Bunnies - Update - Android App Featured Review

Workout Bunnies - Update - Android App Featured Review      

We wrote about Workout Bunnies before, here and here. We made no secret of the fact we loved the app. It is a well known fact that our modern life makes it very difficult to stay in shape and we welcome any app that helps people to become fit.

For those who don't remember, Workout Bunnies is a social network that revolves around training, exercises and getting in shape regimes. Users can exchange workout programs, find and socialize with people who make the same training exercises as they do and even contact experts for advice, all in the app.

Well, we wanted to go back to the people using the app and find out how they were doing. Since the whole purpose of the app was to help people to keep practicing, it is only natural to ask them did they in fact keep practicing ...

One of the reviewers who tried out Workout Bunnies has looked for and selected swimming as his training regime. He had found a community of swimmers on the app and they started having 'swimming' meetings every Saturday, every time at another gym. Now they are preparing for their first lake crossing.

Another reviewer had always wanted to do suspension training with TRX. She not only setup a community of people doing TRX training but she also managed to locate a private TRX instructor and now the group meets twice a week with the instructor and do 45 minutes workouts, at the group's homes.

These are but examples but they are a good indication of the whole. Workout Bunnies seems to have found a much needed niche and filled it nicely, creating a very useful app that really brings a positive change to the lives of the people using it.

The most important test for the app, longevity, i.e how much time people keep the app installed on their smartphone has been passed by the app with flying colors. 

We will keep our readers posted about updates and more news about Workout Bunnies.

Google Play Link

Workout Bunnies - Android App Review

Workout Bunnies - Android App Review

We already mentioned on our featured review of workout bunnies some of the benefits of working out, from health to self esteem to aesthetics to finding a away to relax from all the stress our work and life in modern life brings about.

But we also talked about the difficulties. Starting to workout is very difficult and maintaining a workout regime for months or years is among the most difficult things one can try to do. This is a grave problem because more than once, just when the benefits are starting to appear, the one making the workouts stops working outs ...

Now, the best way to receive and maintain motivation about something like working out is through a community dedicated to the same thing, because you can be inspired by others, share triumphs and temporary defeats, help others and be helped yourself.

Of course, getting professional advice and remarks from experiences people is also very important, as is getting tips about fitness programs, workout plans, nutrition suggestions and even the right type of shoes that will be good for YOU. 

This is why Workout Bunnies is such a great idea. This app is in fact a social networking app that is intended to create a community of people dedicated to working out, and in fact will allow its members to enjoy all the benefits 

So, we gave the app to our reviewers and waited for their remarks.

First of all, our reviewers liked the app's interface. It is clear the app has been professionally designed and everything is very simple to operate AND pleasing to the eyes, which is just as important. In addition, our reviewers liked the fact that even though the app is a full social networking app, everything is simple and uncluttered, unlike other types of social networks.

Our reviewers also sent in a few tips and tricks to help us use Workout Bunnies to make our own workouts as good as possible. The first tip is to join the community. Make new friends online who also use the app. Find experts in the field. Befriend celebs who do the same workouts you do, who love doing leg's day or using TRX. 

The second tip is to actively participate. It is important not only to make friends within the Workout Bunnies social network but also share your experience, your workout plans, your goals in the future and even pictures of you working out. This is the only way to get feedback from friends, feedback that is what Workout Bunnies is all about.

The last but not least tip is to share not only your experience but use the app to make a kind of training blog. In the beginning, state your current condition and your goals and then post regular updates, including measurements and pictures. This is the way for you AND for your friends using the app to appreciate the effort and progress you made in your workouts. 

Our reviewers' overwhelming conclusion is that Workout Bunnies is a great idea that should have been made a lot time ago. As it is, it is a great motivational and professional help for everyone who wants to not only workout, but keep working out for months or years.

  • Score: 4.7. A social network for working out.
  • Description: An app that implements a social network dedicated for working out with the ability to share statues, plans and picture among friends and get tips and advice from professionals and even celebs ...
  • Good Points: Complete social network interface. Very uncluttered feed. Focuses on working out subjects. Professional and celeb advice available within the app.
  • Bad Points: Should have been done years ago ... 
  • Experience: Signing up is simple and fast. Making friends and searching for people who are interested in the same workouts you are interested in is also quite simple. All that remains is to share and share.
  • Longevity: Well, actually that depends on the outlook towards working out. Those are are determined to keep keeping and becoming lean will keep working with this app no matter what.
  • Link to Google Play

Workout Bunnies - Android App Featured Review

Workout Bunnies - Android App Featured Review   

It should come as no surprise to anyone that although our modern age has brought with it a lot of good things such as Android smartphones and mobile devices, it has also brought with it unhealthy working conditions, junk food, painfully short sleeping nights and too much stress.

This is why workouts have become so popular these days. They are healthy, they get the blood flowing, they help fight obesity and reduce the chance for diabetes and of course, they help getting us a beautiful toned body, lean and muscular.  

But doing workouts, although a lot of fun, is not so easy. An old Japanese Jen master was once asked what is the most difficult part in training in Jen (which has grueling training sessions hours long where the practitioner sits in one pose and meditates) is spreading the mattress before the practice session. Getting started to train is the most difficult part and it is something we must do twice or three times or even more even week. 

Motivation is the key to everything and Workout Bunnies is the perfect app to receive motivation and be inspired in our workouts. Workout Bunnies is a social network app with all the usual social network features such as sharing statuses and phones but the app concentrates on and revolves around workouts.

With Workout Bunnies the user can post his own workout sessions, get advice  and encouragement from friends, even some celebrities, post pictures of himself or herself and get tips and advice from professionals. In other words, Workout Bunnies represents a whole community of people all committed to working out.

With the community that is Workout Bunnies, you can not only get real help in your workout sessions with training and nutrition tips but you can join a community that revolves around workouts, which is not only the best way to insure you keep training, but is the fun way to go about it.

Google Play Link
