Showing posts with label arcade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label arcade. Show all posts

Emu Rush - Android App Featured

Emu Rush Free by Slinky Studios - Android App Featured   

We at Android Review Center strongly believe that android smartphones should serve as mobile offices, mobile communications centers and as entertainment centers. Now, when we refer to entertainment centers, two main roles come to mind. Consuming media (movies, music etc) and playing games. 

Games, for Android or in general, can be divided into two main groups. Complex games which require gaming sessions measured in hours (even for smartphones) in which the player must gather resources, design and build a base and finally go out and tackle missions or other players of the games. And then there are the simpler arcade games which are just as important as the complex games.

We would like to introduce Emu Rush, an app firmly entrenched in the arcade game types.

Emu Rush appears simple but simple does not mean easy. The player must control the huge flightless birds running across the screen in this endless running game. The birds must beware of different obstacles strewn across their way and of the portals, because hitting the portals will cause the birds to change their running lane.

Emu Rush is not an easy game. Jumping and dodging obstacles in the correct timing is crucial for the survival of these birds. The player must concentrate entirely on this game in order to be able to act swiftly enough to avoid the things trying to hamper the birds in their running. 

Emu Rush uses simple graphics and music which are just perfect for these types of games, allowing the player to concentrate fully on the task of controlling the birds and not providing distractions that may hinder the player and the tireless birds. Of course, the birds themselves are quite cute (although their real life counterparts are bone ugly. Trust us on this ...).

Emu Rush is just perfect for those seeking to relax for a few minutes, flex their fingers and hone their minds and reflexes in this fast running game, comparing results with players around the world and fighting to reach the next achievement. A perfect arcade game.

Google Play Link

Super Jet World - Android Featured App

Super Jet World by Elevated Vision - Android Featured App  

Let's face it, the amount of adventure most of us get to enjoy during the year is quite limited, mostly having to do with a reckless driver on the freeway. We get up, go to work, get home, go to sleep and then the recycle begins anew the next day. People with spouses and especially kids get to have a little more excitement in their lives but it is still not what one would call an adventure. 

Adventure consists of getting to new places, exploring them, battling or at least escaping the attention of various evil monsters. A large part of what adventure consists is not knowing what is coming next, what kind of crazy scenery we will find and what crazier beings are there to defend it and protest our arrival. 

Super Jet World is a kind of adventure, a simple action game that nevertheless manages to take us to fantastic places.

The game itself is quite intuitive and easy to learn. The player takes on the character of an old war vet who pilots a jet aircraft, controlling it simply through touch motions on the screen. The pilot must take his jet through some really wild environments while things become increasingly difficult as creatures, monsters and conditions themselves worsen by the minute.

We talked earlier about adventures and Super Jet World is a real adventure. The player gets to explore underground caverns, erupting volcanoes, unpredictable jungles and even outer space. Of course, every environment has its own dangers and specific native life, making exploring dangerous yet thrilling.

The makers of Super Jet World made a real effort to produce a fun and interesting game. On of their most interesting features is the ability to custom the jet our pilot is using, a feature not commonly seen on action games. The player can select colors, shapes and even the flag the jet flies behind it, all to suit the player's tastes and desires.

The game also has a plethora of other useful features like a catchy and slightly retro sounding music, a leadership board and the ability to allow the player to challenge his or her friends to a friendly competition and the game itself has several modes of play, from campaign to survival, making the player pilot the jet in increasingly difficult conditions, really testing the player's reflexes and piloting ability.

Google Play Link

Pup Jumper by Toby Unterfranz - Android Featured App

Pup Jumper by Toby Unterfranz - Android Featured App  

There is a time and place for everything and platform arcade games are no exception. They are usually simple, easy to learn, present a challenge and are perfect to pass the time when you're waiting for an appointment, waiting for a large program to compile or just have a few minutes to kill.

But platform games offer another exciting opportunity and that is to keep the kids occupied, even for a few minutes. Of course, we at Android Review Center are not in favor of letting the kids use our Android Smartphones ALL the times, but sometimes it is very beneficial to have a suitable game ready to run .

We would like to present Pup Jumper, a game that is enjoyable to both adults and kids.

What's the story with Pup Jumper? Well, the story is quite simple, really. A golden Labrador pup finds himself in the middle of the desert and he must find his way out while taking care to avoid dangerous obstacles such as cats, snakes and much more.

The gameplay itself is quite simple and easy to understand as our golden Labrador pup can be walked and jump with ease and only the timing remains, to make sure our pup makes the right jumps at exactly the right time to avoid the desert's obstacles.

For adults, the game can be a lot of fun because of its very professional and attractive graphics, coupled with levels with increasing levels of difficulty, all of which makes Pup Jumper ideal for that five minutes break you now have.

But the game really shines when given to kids. They learn very fast how to play it (even very small kids get the idea rapidly) and the game's graphics are all cute and cuddly, with a marked absence of violence from the game, which is something quite rare these days and its lack makes it suitable for kids.

To sum things up, Pup Jumper is a platform game with a lot of action, needing quick fingers and great hand to eye coordination. The game can be played but adults and kids who adopt to this game rather quick, making this game a must app to have installed, just for emergencies.

Google Play Link

Fatal Fall - Android App Review

Fatal Fall by GAMEOLIC SRL - Android App Review

Fatal Fall by GAMELIC SRL - Android App Review. Android smartphones are there not only to provide communications and mobile office services but to entertain us. Entertainment can be consuming some media file (a music or video) or just playing a game.

We can broadly divide game into two types. There are the huge, complicated, empire building, massively online, strategic, plan intensive game that require an hour of setup, resource building and factory allocations just to get things rolling and there are the simpler, rapid and instant gratification games.

"Instant gratifications" (not what you are thinking!) are games we can run and play for three minutes before the next appointment, while waiting for the bus or waiting for the kid to finally free the bathroom. These are games that don't require massive setup and preparations to play. 

Fatal Fall is a platform game that falls exactly into the instant gratification genres. But does it really gratify?

What is Fatal Fall all about? Jack who had a little too much to drink falls down an endless pit. He must avoid obstacles while falling and reach and collect power-ups. Control is through two arrows on the sides of the screen and during the game the rate of descent and the overall difficulty of the game increases.

We gave the game to our loyal crowd of reviewers and sat back and waited for their reports. As usual, some of our reviewers are more tech savvy and some less, some younger and some older.

The first thing almost all reviewers reported was that the game was fun and funny, which is not really a common occurrence. The story of the game, the character of Jack itself and the nature of his plight is quite funny and makes for very pleasant and fun game play. No blowing up, no violence and no resource collecting.

Game play itself was also very simple. Just move Jack from side to side to avoid the obstacles and swim over (through air) to reach the power-ups. However, it must be remembered that game becomes harder and the speed of falling increases so the player must plan ahead to see where Jack will end up in.

The stages are fairly long and winding and the player must remember to time his movements and power-up usage to allow Jack to successfully pass over the whole stage. The player must keep his or her edge and remember that the game becomes harder. Don't letup till it's over!

Most of our reviewers enjoyed themselves immensely playing Fatal Fall. The game is fun, simple to understand and operate (no one had any problem playing) and the gradual increase in difficulty allows everyone to get used to the game and give a good account of themselves even on the tougher levels.

  • Score: 4.7. It would be a 5.0 when an update with more levels and more types of levels appear (levels on the sea, flying up, space etc).
  • Description: A platform game with a falling down character that must survive it's plummet down. 
  • Good Points: Simple and easy game play. Funny story and lot's of humor. Very easy to learn. Great difficulty curve (i.e. the rate the game becomes tougher).
  • Bad Points: No tilt controls.
  • Experience: All our reviewers found the game easy to understand and operate.The simplicity of the game does not detract from it's fun or challenge in the later stages.
  • Longevity: Most kept the game installed as it is great way to pass a few minutes while waiting for something, or just wanting to have a fun quick game.
  • Link to Google Play

Fatal Fall by GAMEOLIC SRL - Android Featured App

Fatal Fall by GAMEOLIC SRL - Android Featured App  

Everyone loves arcade games in general and platform games in particular. The reasons are varied and are actually quite complicated, in stark contrast to the arcade games themselves which are usually quite simple. First of all, people like simple games. Our lives are usually so complicated that a simple game comes as a relief.

In addition, we like a challenge and platform games are usually quite challenging and require lightning quick reflexes and rapid eye to hand coordination. But actually the thing people like the best about platform games in the story, as weird as it sounds.

Now, Fatal Fall by GAMEOLIC is a platform game with some very interesting twists and a unique story.

Fatal Fall's story is interesting and one that we haven't seen before. There's a first to anything and actually that's why we're here in Android Review Center, to see those new and different things for Android Smartphones. Anyway, in Fatal Fall, jack who had a little more to drink than is strictly good for him, finds a deep hole in the ground and falls down. And down. And down.

And this is where the player comes in. The player must now take control of Jack and turn his plummet into a controlled fall, avoiding obstacles, finding power-ups and even upgrading Jack's style, something which no one wants to neglect.

The game itself is very simple. Jack falls down and the player can make him veer to the left or right to avoid obstacles or pickup valuable items that happen to appear. The game's difficulty rises as Jack keeps falling deeper and even his descent becomes faster.

The power-ups are quite varied, from parachutes to temporarily slow Jack's fall to a power-up that lets Jack swim across the pit and even some power-ups that upgrade Jack's style and clothes.

So, Fatal Fall is a quirky game with a quirky sense of humor with simple but challenging game-play that can compete against any platform game on Google Play for sheer fun and enjoyment.

Google Play Link
