Simple LED Flashlight Torch - Android App Review

Simple LED Flashlight Torch - Android App Review -, Mobile applications hаvе changed thе business scenario forever. Connecting tо company resources аnd conducting business hаѕ nеvеr bееn ѕо easy before. Rapidly expanding business rely оn thе efficiency оf а mobile app strategy tо provide thеm wіth flexible аnd scalable features іn order tо grow. Overall, gоіng mobile іѕ nо longer аbоut simply developing а mobile app. Businesses nееd tо develop аn entire mobile app strategy аnd implement іt tо improve thеіr sales аnd conversions. This Time we Talk About Simple LED Flashlight Torch - Android App ReviewMobile Driver are becoming an integral part of aproblem strategy. These Flash need to have all the features and functionality that your phone for sustained growth and success.

Simple LED Flashlight Torch by Mohatir Bin - Android App Review

Android smartphones are just about the most useful tool you can imagine. Just think of all its sensors and features. It can serve as a magnifying glass, a location finder, a communicator device, a camera, a scanning device and much more. Of course, it can also serve as a flashlight. 

Most if not all (Sony Xperia Z Ultra smartphone being a notable exception) android smartphones come equipped with flash for their camera, to enable them to take pictures at night an at relative darkness. Of course, what flashlight apps do is use the smartphone's camera's flash to turn the mobile device into a flashlight.

But, there are quite a few flashlight apps on google play, so the question should be asked, why did we choose to review Simple LED Flashlight Torch out of all of these apps? 

To answer this question, let's take a quick look at the app itself. The app is simple and quick to operate. When turned on, a cute graphic appears which lets the user turn on and off the flashlight with a touch of a finger. The app also has a widget that can be placed on the smartphone's homepage and it keeps working even when the smartphone is locked.

All of the above are useful features but what did our reviewers have to say about this app? 

Our reviewers liked the app. First and foremost, it is very simple to operate. No complicated setup menus or tiresome feature selection screens. Just install the app and turn the light on. Apparently, in our day and age of increasing complication, simplicity has a lot of fans.

Next, our reviewers liked the graphics, the drawn light bulb. When trying to turn the flashlight on at night or with limited visibility, the app makes it very easy to see what you're doing and turn the light on with just a flick of the finger. Of course, the widget also came in very handy to that same purpose.

Last but not least, our reviewers loved the fact the app keeps working and the flash remains lit even when the smartphone's screen is locked. Many other apps require the smartphone to remain unlocked, and what happens is that inevitably an unwanted touch will turn the flashlight off just when you need it the most. With Simple LED Flash Torch, that's no problem.

Our reviewers sent in several tips and tricks.   

First of all, when you're trying to do something complicated at night, turn the flashlight on and lock the smartphone. The flashlight will remain functioning and there's no chance of a touch turning it off at exactly the wrong time.

Another tip is to remember our elderly people. Simple LED Flashlight Torch is so easy to operate and understand, it is ideal for elderly people, to have a handy flashlight on their person at all times.

Another interesting trick is communication. Since the app is so responsive and easy to operate, there's no problem turning the smarpthone into a light based communications device, sending coded messages through blinking the flashlight in the right sequence.

Last but not least, don't forget to check up on your kids. In other words, when you have to check something in their room but don't want to turn the lights on and wake the little monsters, just flick the smartphone's flashlight on and check what you wanted to check since you already had the smartphone with you. Just don't aim the flashlight at the kids' faces.

  • Score: 4.5. A simple app that works really well.
  • Description: A flashlight app with cool graphics and a widget.
  • Good Points: Very simple to operate. Works even when the screen is locked. 
  • Bad Points: A few of our reviewers said they would have liked a slider for amount of light control.
  • Experience: Very easy to operate and select. No one had any problem making this app work.
  • Longevity: No one who needs flashlight uninstalled this app.
  • Link to Google Play
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