How to Add Floating Ads in Blog Footer

How to Add Floating Ads in Blog Footer -, Mobile applications hаvе changed thе business scenario forever. Connecting tо company resources аnd conducting business hаѕ nеvеr bееn ѕо easy before. Rapidly expanding business rely оn thе efficiency оf а mobile app strategy tо provide thеm wіth flexible аnd scalable features іn order tо grow. Overall, gоіng mobile іѕ nо longer аbоut simply developing а mobile app. Businesses nееd tо develop аn entire mobile app strategy аnd implement іt tо improve thеіr sales аnd conversions. This Time we Talk About How to Add Floating Ads in Blog FooterMobile Driver are becoming an integral part of aproblem strategy. These Flash need to have all the features and functionality that your phone for sustained growth and success.

Have you ever seen a banner ad hovering under the webpage? Now we will learn to create ads float or drift in the footer of the blog. When an open blog, banner ads will immediately appear in footer of the blog and continue to follow the current discroll down. There is a close button or exit to eliminate those who do not want ads.

Blog is a blog that potential visitors can advertise crowded, because the potential to be clicked and generate dollars. Ads in the footer of this drift can maximize revenue from the blog. How to create an ad floating in the footer of the blog is also easy, no need to edit the blog template. Interested to try it?

How to Make Floating Ads in Blog Footer

How to Make Floating Ads in Blog Footer
1. Log into blog account
2. Select Layout and then Add a Gadget
3. Choose HTML / JavaScript
4. Enter the following HTML code:

<!-- FOOTER ADS -->
<script src='' type='text/javascript'>
</script><br />
<script type='text/javascript'>
$(document).ready(function() {
<style type='text/css'>
div#btm_banner {
bottom: 0;
position: fixed;
width: 100%;
opacity: 0.9;
left: 0;
div#btm_banner img{
<div style='height: 0px;'></div>
<div align='center' id='btm_banner' style='height: 100px; z-index: 9999;'>
<div style='text-align: right; width: 983px; height: 15px;'>
<img id='closed' src='
<div style='clear: both;'></div>


<!-- FOOTER ADS -->

5. Save

You can edit it yourself to adjust to the size of the banner and advertising code, the color red is the code that you can replace. Once installed, the banner ads will appear in the footer of the blog, do not worry, this ad is close or exit option so not overly disturb readers.
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