Showing posts with label Android App Featured. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android App Featured. Show all posts

Protection For Life - Android App Featured Review

Protection For Life by Steve Hatch - Android App Featured Review   

It is all nice and well talking about apps, saving money and having fun while playing games on our Android smartphones and mobile devices. But, it is sometimes good to pause and just look up and see the world around us. Unfortunately, whatever country we hail from, things are not looking good.

We are talking about violence, of course. It is quite ironic how in some ares modern life is such an improvement over life as it was in the middle ages, while in some other areas, modern life seems not to be better at all. Fact is, our personal safety has never been so low, and women in particular are vulnerable to violence, even in the family. Road rage has never been so prevalent like today and these are just examples.

Well, what is there to do about it? First of all, we must understand that not anyone can deal and teach self defense, but the Silver Knight company has dealt with personal safety issues for years, even decades, which makes their app Protection For Life that much more interesting and useful.

The app offers online course in self protection but here the Steel Knight deep understanding of the term brings about a radical change in the way most people think about self protection. The first thing one must learn is how to avoid self protection situation, by recognizing and identifying dangerous situations in advance and avoiding them all together.

Of course, even avoidance can't be effective ALL the time so the app presents a number of techniques that are designed to help the average person been attacked to fend off the attacker, even if the attacked is smaller and weaker than the attacker.

The online course has a distilled number of techniques and movements, all designed to help a person being attacked escape his or her attacker with minimum risk to the attacked, as this involves movements, elbow strikes and punches, with the occasional kick thrown in for good measure.

With something as important as self defense, you have to use professional teaching to have a chance to be effective with something happens, and Protection For Life with content by Steel Knight is just that.

Google Play Link

Gffy - Android App Featured

Gffy by Joseph Emmanuel Dayo - Android App Featured   

Android Review Center has been online for more than 5 years now, in one incarnation or another and the team making the reviews has followed the smartphone revolution right from the start, when the only hand held computing devices worth having were bulky 3.5 inch IPac mobiles running Windows Mobile.

It is the love of apps, innovation and utility which keeps us going but from time to time we find apps that have that special something that makes trudging through hundreds of crappy apps worthwhile, just to find that gold nugget hidden in the dirt.

Gffy is one of that special apps, those gold nuggets hidden inside the muck. What Gffy does is simple and ingenious at the same time because it is one of those rare tools that help us bring human worth and touch into a world that is increasingly cold and computerized.

Gffy is all about hand drawn notes and messages and is quite simple to operate though the end result is quite adorable. With this app, the user uses his finger to write a note, draw a heart, do whatever he or she wants and then the app turns what the user did into a short cartoon, allowing the recipient to see not only the end result but the creation process itself.

Why is this adorable? Because people today want (or actually NEED!) the personal touch. Everyone knows how to send images and movies and links to everyone but sending a short clip showing how you took the time to actually draw BY HAND the message or note or birthday card to your recipient is what makes all the difference.

Of course Gffy has a full set of editing tools to help the user edit the end result anyway her or she wants, to change the drawing, add another thing and use various colors, like styles and use many more options, all designed to make the hand drawn note that much more personal, colorful and good looking.

We rarely say this, but we loved Gffy so much we can heartily say that if you install one app this month on your android smartphone or mobile device, we can say that Gffy should be it.

Google Play Link

Learn English in context - Android App Featured

Learn English in context by WebStar School of English - Android App Featured   

The whole world has now turned into one global village, and the fact we hold the entire Internet in our pockets in our Android smartphones and mobile devices just make the world even smaller. And like it or not, our global village has one international language: English.

Okay, you can argue with that. There ARE one billion Chinese but they DON'T speak the same language. There are people like the French that try to keep their language alive as a matter of national pride but the de-facto language of the world is English. this is a Fact of Life.

So, what can we do? We must learn English. In fact, even the English should learn English because the English they teach you at school won't be good for nothing later on and the English in Canada, Britain and the USA are all different things. And to be be successful today, whatever you actually choose to do, knowing English is always part of the story.

So here comes Learn Englisn in Context, an English teaching and rehearsing app from WebStar School of English, a professional school dedicated to teach English. The app is very diverse, and has teaching videos, dictionaries and even English oriented educational games.

In fact, this is what makes the app so good. English teaching in school fails because the students get bored but with this app, the diversity of ways to learn and rehearse English will help students run through the entire app to learn and to improve their English noticeably.

Android Smartphones and mobile devices are so useful because of the many things they help us do, and this example by WebStar School of English is one of the best. The Learn English in Context app is really a condensed English course that will launch you head first into the English language, and we cannot stress enough how important this is

Google Play Link

Basketball Shoot by Kids Games Collection - Android App Featured

Basketball Shoot by Kids Games Collection - Android App Featured   

In our time and age, we have come to the point where we have more than one million apps and games on google play, all waiting to be downloaded and run on our android smartphones and mobile devices. On the one hand, this is paradise. On the other hand, this is a nightmare. 

The problem is choice, of course. Out of that huge number of apps and games, how do we find those that are really worth downloading? How do we find the apps and games that we can spend our free time with, not to mention spend our dollars on them, if necessary.

So, let's talk games. Games come in several different types and flavors. There are the over complex strategy games, where the player must invest weeks and run an empire to have a small three minute battle and there are the arcade games, quick, fast and instant action.

We would like to introduce a game of the other kind, a quick arcade game that is highly worth it. Basketball Shoot is quite simple in premise. The player must shoot a ball through a basket, using simple controls and depending on his or her hand to eye coordination.

Of course, the player gets to play in three game modes, challenge friends in scoreboards and hone in their basket shooting skills without having to break a sweat or put on their shoes. All the player has to do is open the game and start shooting balls at the basket.

We love sports arcade because they are so fun and Basketball Shoot is no exception. Highly addictive, instantly ready to play and with graphics that are simple yet fun to watch, this game is highly entertaining and well worth it for everyone who loves sports in general and basketball in particular. 

Google Play Link

News in Shots by Lios Abarixo - Android App Featured

News in Shots by Lios Abarixo - Android App Featured   

In the western world, the problem facing us as people is time. We have all the resources, money, information and technology we need for almost every task but we lack the time to do anything with that. By the time an average person in the western world has some time for himself or herself (after work, kids and very little leisure time) there is no energy left for anything else.

This is exactly the reason web sites like Twitter have do so well. We need (or actually, we only have the time) for information that comes in little chunk, 140 characters in the case of Twitter. This is kinda sad, since with our android smartphones and mobile devices we access to the entire world but have no time to use it.

Enter the solution to some, if not all, of our problems. News in Shots is an app built to let us consume news (which is after all an EXTREMELY important part of our modern lives whether we acknowledge this or not) with minimum expenditure of time.  

How does News in Shots do this? First of all, the news items themselves are condensed by the editors into 60 word pieces, creating short items that contain all the important and relevant information but can still be read in under one minute.

In addition, the app itself has a specialized user interface which allows the user to pick his subject of interest (out of sports, world news, technology and more) and see the update news items that exist in that specific category that interests the user.

Last but not least is the notification feature, allowing the user to be automatically informed of important news items in the categories that the user found interesting.

The News In Shots app is perfect for the modern age. With short and carefully selected news items, specially designed interface and notification, a person can stay up to date simply, easily and most important, without expending much time.

Star Wars Collecting Database - Android App Featured

Star Wars Collecting Database - Android App Featured   

We actually thought about it but we finally decided to start with a REAL short introduction of Star Wars, for all those who had lived in a small village on the Amazon river without proper Internet. The other 99.99999 percent of humanity can skip the following paragraph.

Star Wars is a fictional universe created by George Lucas. In short, it is about a galaxy, far in the future, whose fate hangs in the balance as various power groups vie for control, some using technology while others using mysterious powers originating from the Force.

Without delving into the specifics of the Star Wars universe, we can only say that its HUGE popularity can be understood when considering the fact that six movies have already been done on Star Wars, without another three in the works, with two animated movies and two cartoon series already out. Star Wars is a huge thing.

And one of the most important hobbies centered on Star Wars is collection Star Wars memorabilia. This can range from thirty years old board games, X-Wing fighter models twenty years old or even old copies of the TIE-Fighter immortal computer game (that is STILL number one on the list of many simulator lovers, some of which have nothing to do with Star Wars).

For the serious collectors and the casual ones, for the people who live for Star Wars and for those who just want a nice Imperial Stardestroyer to loom over their desk, the Star Wars Collecting Database has been lovingly created by people who seem to live in the Star Wars universe for decades.

The app contains, maintains and displays a huge database of everything a Star Wars collector will need, from searches of specific models to item input to offering your own Star Wars collectors item for sale.

A Star Wars collector does not need anything more than the Star Wars Collecting Database. Just register, enter the community and use the app to enhance your collection. 

You can read a full review of this app here.
