Showing posts with label android app review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label android app review. Show all posts

Swing Wizards by Earth Little - Android App Review

Swing Wizards by Earth Little - Android App Review

Swing Wizards by Earth Little - Android App Review. There are quite a lot of reasons to play Flappy Bird kind of games, including the various types of platform games. They are simple, do not require a long learning period, the player can have satisfaction immediately and not wait for a resource silo to fill up so the player can start building the forces that will be ready for combat in half an hour, real time ...

Of course, having a game that the kids can enjoy brings a lot of benefits with it. Although we at Android Review Center do not believe in giving the kids our smartphones ALL the time, still it could be useful to have a game that can give us ten minutes of quiet from the little monsters in times when we are waiting for a doctor, for example.

But a platform or Flappy Bird type of game must be good to be worth it. It should be relativity violence and adult content free to be given to kids and it must have some kind of interesting quality to provide fun to adults as well.

We took Swing Wizards by Earth Little and we wanted to find out, does it have what it takes to be a good arcade game for kids and adults?

We gave the game to our reviewers and made sure kids were included among our small army of people who test apps. 

It is not actually the first thing we are interested in but our reviewers were all unanimous in their reports. The graphics of Swing Wizards are really stunning. With careful attention to details, with colorful and lively background, the makers of Swing Wizards, Earth Little, brought to life their fantasy world in vibrant, living colors. 

What about gameplay? Swing Wizards is easy enough to play, as directing the flying characters is very easy, with just a few taps. However, the game is far from easy as the levels progress, so does the difficulty. Adults who persevered managed to get quite far but the kids really ruled the game.

It was interesting to notice that the kids were very definite in their selection of characters, boys picking the wizards and girls choosing the fairies, though the adults had no problem playing either character. Adult reviewers commented on the game's music while kids competed by collecting points and gaining medals.

The game proved to be very stable and its stunning graphics really require a high end big screen Android Smartphone or a tablet to really enjoy everything it has to offer. The kids mostly liked the leadership boards and took the competition seriously while adults mostly liked to relax with a beautifully drawn and animated game.

Like we said, the vast majority of adult reviewers liked this game, as it is simple to learn, presents a challenge and has very attractive graphics. Kids also loved the game, proving on the whole to possess quicker reflexes and be more interested in the leadership boards than the adults.

  • Score: 4.8. Great game. Some little nitpicks - see Bad Points section ...
  • Description: An arcade game where the player must fly a character through orcs swinging great iron balls. 
  • Good Points: Stunning graphics! Cute characters and orcs. Gently inreasing difficulty levels. Quick and responsive game.
  • Bad Points: Some nitpicks - We would have liked to see powerups and some magical effects (teleportation, immunity, shape changes etc).  
  • Experience: Everyone started going almost immediately. The game is intuitive and very easy to understand. Of course, advancing through the levels requires quick reflexes and the ability to plan ahead.
  • Longevity: Kids and adults with a craving for fantasy played this game for hours and hours. In addition, adults who love to relax now and then with a quick game also found this game appealing.
  • Link to Opera Mobile Store

Hide My IP - Android App Review

Hide My IP - Android App Review

Hide My IP - Android App Review. Every kind of device or computer that goes online has an IP address, a kind of virtual identifier that is usually unique to the device. There is quite a lot of information one can deduce about a device from its IP, starting from the device's country right, whether the device is surfing the net using a cellular data plan or through a WiFi connection.

Another thing that can be deduced is the device's exact locale, right down to a city or neighborhood, if the device uses WiFi connection. In fact, Google has an extensive map of existing WiFi hot spots, making it possible to narrow down the location to the specific bar or cafe your are sitting in while surfing the web.  

There are a lot of reasons why someone would want to hide or mask the IP he or she is surfing from, and in most free countries there is nothing wrong with changing your IP (take care: we are not lawyers and out opinion cannot be used a legal advice ...). 

Hide My IP is a highly regarded app that does exactly that. Is it any good?

Like we always do, we gave the app to our small host of reviewers and waited for their responses. 

First of all we were interested in ease of operation and the interface, since what Hide My IP does is quite complicated as it reroutes our data traffic to proxy servers across the world to hide our IP, and we were afraid of overly complicated user interface that will allow only professional and tech people to use the app.

However, we were pleasantly surprised to discover the app actually was VERY simple to operate. Just install it, run it, select the country and the proxy you wish to use and presto, you're ready to go. All the complicated stuff is performed where you cannot see it, which is fine by us.

But does this thing really work? Well, that answer to that is a resounding yes. We tried quite a lot of different websites that check your IP and they were all fooled by the app. Including Amazon,Pandora, Netflix, Hulu and more. They all worked like a charm. 

And what about the downsides? There were two things we were afraid off but the app handles both easily. The first thing is problems that might occur when we stop running the app or uninstall and the second thing is lags and delays because of rerouting our traffic.
On both accounts, the app worked beautifully. We detected no problem when the app was closed down and we resumed normal surfing and there was a small lag when using the app, but selecting fast proxies in the USA and Canada made the lags so small they were hard to notice.

It is the considered opinion of the vast majority of our reviewers that Hide My IP works beautifully, hiding the device's IP completely and it uses a simple user interface that allows everyone to use the app, not just tech savvy people. In addition, lagging and delays are VERY small.

  • Score: 4.5. Great app. It would be perfect when future updates will contain the feature to change your device's MAC address.
  • Description: A app that reroutes your device's data to a proxy, in effect hiding your device's IP address. 
  • Good Points: Easy to understand user interface. A lot of proxies and countries to choose from. Almost no delays in communication.
  • Bad Points: No option to change our MAC address.
  • Experience: The app is so easy to operate that everyone had it up and running in seconds. Choosing a good proxy is a little trickier but everyone found a proxy they were happy with in a manner of minutes.
  • Longevity: For those who love their privacy or wanting to use services like Pandora unavailable in their country, this app became a must for their smartphone.
  • Link to Google Play

Fatal Fall - Android App Review

Fatal Fall by GAMEOLIC SRL - Android App Review

Fatal Fall by GAMELIC SRL - Android App Review. Android smartphones are there not only to provide communications and mobile office services but to entertain us. Entertainment can be consuming some media file (a music or video) or just playing a game.

We can broadly divide game into two types. There are the huge, complicated, empire building, massively online, strategic, plan intensive game that require an hour of setup, resource building and factory allocations just to get things rolling and there are the simpler, rapid and instant gratification games.

"Instant gratifications" (not what you are thinking!) are games we can run and play for three minutes before the next appointment, while waiting for the bus or waiting for the kid to finally free the bathroom. These are games that don't require massive setup and preparations to play. 

Fatal Fall is a platform game that falls exactly into the instant gratification genres. But does it really gratify?

What is Fatal Fall all about? Jack who had a little too much to drink falls down an endless pit. He must avoid obstacles while falling and reach and collect power-ups. Control is through two arrows on the sides of the screen and during the game the rate of descent and the overall difficulty of the game increases.

We gave the game to our loyal crowd of reviewers and sat back and waited for their reports. As usual, some of our reviewers are more tech savvy and some less, some younger and some older.

The first thing almost all reviewers reported was that the game was fun and funny, which is not really a common occurrence. The story of the game, the character of Jack itself and the nature of his plight is quite funny and makes for very pleasant and fun game play. No blowing up, no violence and no resource collecting.

Game play itself was also very simple. Just move Jack from side to side to avoid the obstacles and swim over (through air) to reach the power-ups. However, it must be remembered that game becomes harder and the speed of falling increases so the player must plan ahead to see where Jack will end up in.

The stages are fairly long and winding and the player must remember to time his movements and power-up usage to allow Jack to successfully pass over the whole stage. The player must keep his or her edge and remember that the game becomes harder. Don't letup till it's over!

Most of our reviewers enjoyed themselves immensely playing Fatal Fall. The game is fun, simple to understand and operate (no one had any problem playing) and the gradual increase in difficulty allows everyone to get used to the game and give a good account of themselves even on the tougher levels.

  • Score: 4.7. It would be a 5.0 when an update with more levels and more types of levels appear (levels on the sea, flying up, space etc).
  • Description: A platform game with a falling down character that must survive it's plummet down. 
  • Good Points: Simple and easy game play. Funny story and lot's of humor. Very easy to learn. Great difficulty curve (i.e. the rate the game becomes tougher).
  • Bad Points: No tilt controls.
  • Experience: All our reviewers found the game easy to understand and operate.The simplicity of the game does not detract from it's fun or challenge in the later stages.
  • Longevity: Most kept the game installed as it is great way to pass a few minutes while waiting for something, or just wanting to have a fun quick game.
  • Link to Google Play
