Showing posts with label android featured app. Show all posts
Showing posts with label android featured app. Show all posts

IU News and Talk by ROJS Media - Android Featured App

IU News and Talk by ROJS Media - Android Featured App  

Our times hold an inescapable contradiction. On one hand, information is free and accessible for everyone on the Internet while on the other hand, main stream media outlets and news services provide most of the coverage of important political matters, coloring things their way.

This mean we have an urgent need for a political news and analyzer service that is free from the point of view taken by the establishment, someone that doesn't let political interests and narrow financial bias dictate how and what news to broadcast and how to analyze it.

IU News and Talk is an app that is aims to do just that.

That app presents podcasts of interviews, news items, analysis and commentary made with a progressive left themed discussing politics from a common sense point of view, freed from the chains of major news media services.

The app itself is very easy to use with everything arranged logically so that any user can find his or her way in the app in a very short time, navigating between the podcasts, the interviews and the political news items without a hitch and finding the items her or she needs or finds the most interesting.

To sum things up, IU News and Talk performs a vital community service by reporting on political matters freely and directly, without being biased or 'bought' or having an agenda like the news agencies have. For anyone who wants to experience and learn about the political situation from a source that is raw and honest, IU News and Talk is indispensable.

Just a few examples from the app of how IU News gets to the source and presents it directly to its audience:

Podcast 1 Host Monica RW interviewing Former Candidate for U.S. Senate Chris Wahmoff:

Podcast 2-Host Monica RW interview Former Candidate for the Michigan Senate Sheri Pollesch (D):

Podcast 3- Host Monica RW with Past President NAACP President Ben Jealous:

Bob and IU News- Host Monica RW with Past President UAW Bob King:

HR-589 - Host Monica RW with Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-CA):

Google Play Link

Round Clock Widget TAS - Android Featured App

Round Clock Widget TAS - Tiny Apps Studio - Android Featured App  

People, let's face it. Watches are a thing of the past. Almost NO ONE over the age of thirty five or forty wear a watch. It's that simple and there are MANY reasons for that. First of all, our Android Smartphone is capable of showing us the time, so why would we need another (Expensive!) device on our person to guard and protect?

There is also the monetary problem. i.e. We spend hundreds of our hard earned money on a good smartphone and then we have to spend MORE money on a watch? And now we have to put it on in the morning, remember to take it off before showering, remember to switch the battery etc etc.

Our Android Smartphones already have a clock widget, so why do we have to trouble ourselves with ANOTHER clock widget?

First of all, let's see what Round Clock Widget TAS by Tiny Apps Studio has to offer. In fact, this is a prime example of an app that appears to be simple but has quite a lot of sophisticated functionality. Let's start with the look. The widget display the time in twenty different styles, each with its own tweaks and special look.

In addition, the app shows a simple animation for the seconds timer which is more important than people realize because with this animation, a user can just glance at at the widget and in an instant know what time it is, down to the second, just by looking at the animation.

Another very useful feature Round Clock Widget TAS app has it language customization. The app configures its time and date display to match the preferred language on the device it is installed on, and there ARE marked differenced between time and date displays in different parts of the world.

So, with very easy to setup settings, beautiful clock styles and matching fonts, automatic customization for different languages, second and time animation and almost two dozens styles of clocks, it has hopefully become VERY clear why this app should be on everybody's smartphone instead of the default Android clock widget. 

Google Play Link

Don't Touch the Branches - Android Featured App

Don't Touch the Branches by Dinger Apps - Android Featured App  

Flappy Bird has certainly set a new trend in Android Smartphone gaming. A simple game, almost stupidly simple, yet fun and addictive and leading millions of people downloading that game. It's not really difficult understanding why Flappy Bird was so successful.

It was very simple, and people like simplicity. They also like complicated sometimes, just see the massively multi player strategy games out there but people will return to simplicity again and again. Flappy bird was also tough. You needed quite a lot of time to figure our just how to play the game to win.

So, does Don't Touch the Branches by Dinger Apps have what it takes to be as good a game as Flappy Bird?

What Don't Touch the Branches is all about? Well, the game is deceptively simple. You have to pilot a falling leaf as it fall downs (the tree of life? The tree of eternity? The tree who holds the nine realms together?) the tree and be careful of the many branches of the tree, who span out to catch the leaf.

Now, that is quite unusual. We usually get to pilot a space ship, a helicopter, even jet pack powered characters, but the leaf just glides down, which makes things even more difficult since the player can only make the leaf veer to the left or the right, or just make it stay there. Floating has never been this difficult ...

The game also has a retro style look and feel and also simple retro style music which is both reminiscent of time gone by as it is soothing and relaxing in a strange way. The fact that the player has to do just two simple things, move the leaf right or left also makes for a very relaxing game.

With simple gameplay, very enjoyable music and interface and the soothing way the leaf glides down the tree, Don't Touch The Branches is actually one of the most fun, relaxing and pleasant games to play, whenever you have five minutes to kill or just want to relax after a full day's work. 

Google Play Link

Tower Rush Lite by Wonder Gum - Android Featured App

Tower Rush Lite by Wonder Gum - Android Featured App  

Tower defense games are one of the most popular strategy and action games for Android Smartphones for some very good reasons. First of all, the screen size. Even with a phablet it's not easy playing an RTS like the good old command and conquer and commanding hundreds of different units. With tower defense games, the player selects the location of his towers and the game takes care of itself.

However, there are hundreds if not thousands of tower defense games for Android on Google Play, each with its own twist and special qualities, from games like Battle Towers to Four Days, to Magic Towers. Even Defender 2 is a kind of tower defense game, again with its own twist and changes.

So, what does Tower Rush Life brings to the fold that hasn't been done before?

First of all, the look and feel of the game. Tower Rush Lite revolves around towers that must be placed to protect a portal from invading monsters and the monsters are a real treat! Every creature is carefully and lovingly animated to produce a great create, moving and acting and charging and fighting, everything done in detailed 3D.

The fun doesn't stop there as the game's scenery and maps are all carefully designed to be challenging yet fun and all carry a special feeling to them, a dark and mystical touch that perfectly befits a game where the player must fight the monsters to keep the portal safe. Atmosphere is what breaks or makes a game and Tower Rush Lite has it in abundance.

Wonder Gum, the studio behind this game, haven't forgotten the sounds and music, which make up an important part. Every creature comes with its own set of sounds for fighting, moving, getting wounded and of course snarling and roaring in anger. The music of the game is also a great part of what makes it so special as it fits perfectly with the tone of the game.

Last but not least, is the strategic element of the game. The game gets progressively harder and the must not only plan carefully what towers he or she places, but also what upgrades he or she will opt for, because these strategic decisions are what can win or lost a map.

In conclusion, Tower Rush Lite has very unique look and feel to it and a complex strategic element to it that makes playing it so fun. 

Google Play Link Product Search APP - Android Featured App Product Search APP - Android Featured App  

We love Android Smartphone. We do start out almost every featured article this way but the readers must understand our point of view. Anyway, we should emphasize that although we love our smartphones, what we REALLY love is saving money. We are (mostly) human and trying to save as much money as possible while STILL buying what we want is what we love the most.

Buying usually comes in broadly two ways. First of all is the old fashioned way. Just walking along, seeing something we like, entering the shop and trying out the product that caught our eye, whether it was a sweater or a NUC HTPC for our living room. The second way is the online way, just sitting at our PC and surfing the major retail sites for the things we want or need.

To really help us out to do our shopping smartly, i.e. saving money, Factory.Com comes to the rescue.

What does Factory.Com do? It has two major modes of operation. The first one entails scanning the barcode of a product, say when the user is entering a physical store. The app then allows the user to select among the major online retails and presents similar results from those retailers. Scanning a laptop for instance, the app will present the same laptop on ebay, and more.

The second mode of operation that is very similar but not less important is running a search without having the barcode of a product. That way, the user types is whatever product name he or she is interested in, say an Asus tablet and the app will find the best suggestions for Asus tablets on the online retailers.  

Of course, the app offers extensive tools to sort and filter the results, either by selecting the online retailers desired, sorting by price and other categories and also filtering the results. The app also allows searching after a bardoce is scanned, to allow the user to find products related to the one he or she just scanned.  

We hope this article made it very clear why we love Factory.Com. It is an app that does exactly what's it is designed for, and that is to give us quick results from various giant online retailers to show us whether what and where we're planning to buy is good and cheap. In other words, this is one of the best money saving apps we've ever seen.

Google Play Link

TUN Student Discounts - Android Featured App

TUN Student Discounts - Android Featured App  

We love Android Smartphone. This must be obvious to anyone taking a look around Android Review Center. We love them because the HUGE pool of developers created a very useful selection of apps for out smartphones, apps that not only allow us to have fun and communicate with our smartphones, but also save money. Which is just as important.

Now, students are among the most harassed people in our modern world. They have to study, which is kinda self evident but it still takes a LOT of energy and time. They are usually bankrupt or worse because of the cost of learning and living while not having the time to take up a proper job. And everything about them is temporary, at least till they finish their studies.

To help our younger generations and to give a leg up to the future of our world, kind developer studio TUN created the TUN app, the app every student needs.

What is TUN? Well, because of the harsh life of students (that we already outlined above) and because people want to help and because helping the future doctors, engineers and lawyers of tomorrow TODAY can bring substantial benefits, there are quite a large number of small and big businesses that give discounts to students, thirteen thousands business already registered and more on the way.

TUN allows the user to search for and find businesses that give student discounts in the area, and then conveniently sorts them according to business type, all to help the user find the business he or she needs. Naturally, TUN allows the user to search for business on other areas, defined by a simple click on the map. 

TUN implements a very useful reward system based on points, earned by inviting friends to the TUN network and by performing mutual beneficial acts to the TUN community, such as using discounts, recommending businesses offering discounts and taking pics there, improving and enlarging the TUN network to the benefit of students and businesses alike. 

Of course, the collected rewards can be exchanged into real world gifts such as free meals, fitness classes and much more. 

TUN's network of students and business offer a real help to hard pressed college students in finding discounts, opportunities and free event. TUN helps businesses reach the students they want to help and also help secure future customers for those students. 

In conclusion, TUN is one of those rare apps that benefits everyone involved.

Google Play Link
