Jambo - CLASSIFIEDS - Android App Review

Jambo - CLASSIFIEDS - Android App Review -, Mobile applications hаvе changed thе business scenario forever. Connecting tо company resources аnd conducting business hаѕ nеvеr bееn ѕо easy before. Rapidly expanding business rely оn thе efficiency оf а mobile app strategy tо provide thеm wіth flexible аnd scalable features іn order tо grow. Overall, gоіng mobile іѕ nо longer аbоut simply developing а mobile app. Businesses nееd tо develop аn entire mobile app strategy аnd implement іt tо improve thеіr sales аnd conversions. This Time we Talk About Jambo - CLASSIFIEDS - Android App ReviewMobile Driver are becoming an integral part of aproblem strategy. These Flash need to have all the features and functionality that your phone for sustained growth and success.

Jambo - CLASSIFIEDS by Knoxweb - Android App Review

Our present age of Internet and Android smartphones and mobile devices has brought about a set of fantastic new options that have never existed before. We are now connected twenty four seven to the Internet, to the vast majority of humanity.

And why is this a good thing? Simple. Because now when we are interested in something or other we are not limited to our village and the adjunct town but we can search the entire world. In the same way, when we want to sell something, the entire world can see it.

Jambo - Classifieds takes advantage exactly of this fact. Anyone can post goods or services for sale or look for things to buy on this app and it immediately reaches a huge potential crowd because anyone using the app will see the things anyone else posted for sale.

The app has a very detailed category structure to sort the various things on sale there and anyone search and find exactly what he or she wants. In addition, there are ads there that can be targeted to various sorts of users, though now most ads advertise things for Kenya, such as flights.

The app even has a social network competent, allowing users to share moments and fun things from their life, helping user reach the good and services they wanted while the sellers can more easily reach their potential clients.

So, we gave the app to our reviewers and waited for their remarks.

Our users liked the app's simple interface, allowing anyone to use it, even without extensive computer knowledge. In addition, the category structure was well received, as everyone was able to find whatever he or she wanted quickly and efficiently.

However, the most important tip our reviewers sent was about the app being new and not having a lot of users yet. This is a golden opportunity for sellers and buyers alike, for the buyers who can carve out a hefty market share now, while its easy and the buyers who can get stuff for cheap, now.

Another tip is to use the app's social network component, as sometimes buyers will advertise there things the buyers couldn't find. Another tip is to mind the ads, as sometimes they can lead to real savings as buyers are still few in number and have to develop their markers on Jambo.

Sellers can select and buy ads, featured or regular, for their services. Featured ads are more prominent but are also more expensive. A buyer must try them both before selecting the one that best suits his or her product and marketing budget.

  • Score: 4.5. A classified app mainly for Kenya.
  • Description: A classified app that features goods and services organized in a very detailed category structure.
  • Good Points: Detailed category structure. Several types of ads. Targeting Kenya. Easy interface.
  • Bad Points: A small user base at the app is new, but the user base is growing steadily and there are ways to take advantage of a small user base anyway ... 
  • Experience: Setting up and start using the app was quite easy and straightforward. Finding everything was real easy as doing the opposite and offering goods or services for sale.
  • Longevity: All those who needed improvements in English kept this app installed. Interestingly, even some of those who knew English perfectly found the app educating and improved their English with it.
  • Link to Google Play
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