Showing posts with label Android App Featured Review. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android App Featured Review. Show all posts

ChattieChat - Android App Featured Review

ChattieChat by U.S. Publications - Android App Featured Review     

Android Smartphones and mobile devices have come a long way since the first devices started to come out, about a decade ago. There's almost nothing that cannot be done on a smartphone, starting from office work to entertainment. But, the one of the smartphone's most important function has been and will remain communication.

And the modern way of communication is by chat apps. Just think about it. You can send a clear, short and precise message to your recipient. You can comfortably engage in conversation a whole group of people and still let everyone express themselves. You can send files and attachments easily. Chat apps are prefect for us, because they let us save our most precious thing, our time.

On the other hand, there are dozens if not more chat apps out there on google play. Whatsapp. Viber. Tango. Snapchat. to name only a few. Do we really need another chat app? Or to put it in a different way, what does ChattieChat bring that the other apps don't already have?

Let's find out.

ChattieChat is a brand new chat app that builds on the experience gained by Whatsapp and other chat apps which is a bit unfair (for them) but let's the user have a more complete and mature app. ChattieChat brings a whole set of features that totally transforms our chatting experience. 

First of all, basic chatting features. ChattieChat has it all, from notifications to group chats to blocking unwanted contacts and more. In addition, the interface is fully customizable, enabling everyone to design the interface he or she wants instead of making do with the interface the makers of the app provided, like in many other chat apps. 

In addition, ChattieChat has a lot of additional features. We can send huge files of unlimited size. We can send ANY file, not only media files. We can conduct extremely well encrypted chats to hide any information we don't want to fall into the wrong hands. We can use any device (and not only our smartphone) and use our ChattieChat user.   

So, ChattieChat provides the most complete set of features we on Android Review Center have seen on any chat app. This means that ChattieChat can easily provide for the needs of any user, from the chat nut who needs his or her groups, to the privacy advocate to the avid gamer or programmer who needs to share files and that's just scratching the surface.

We hope our point is clear. ChattieChat can meet any chat requirement of any user, and that makes it unique and precious among all the other chat apps on google play. And just to make it perfectly clear how much trust the devs have in their app, ChattieChat is COMPLETELY free and ad free.

Google Play Link

ASA - All Songs App - Android App Featured Review

ASA - All Songs App by Informative Fortunes - Android App Featured Review     

In our modern world, with so many new inventions, innovations and constant upheaval, some things remain constant. One of those precious few is music. Listening to music, learning about the specific song and the artist and experiencing more from the singer is a singular pleasure that has existed for decades, if not more.

But our modern world that hands us so much information right at our fingertips also has a way of making things that were once simple, very complicated. In bygone years, we could have entered a music shop, lurking there for hours, listening to music and trying out artist after artist, song after song, till we found something we liked.

But now, with all the information in the world, this has become very difficult. Much like finding the proverbial needle in a haystack, just finding out what we want and what we need has become so complicated we rarely make the effort any more.

Well, a brand new app aims to solve that problem.

All Sings App by Informative Fortunes aims to distill the important things and present them to us in a simple and easy to use way. In other words, All Songs App concentrates on music, on finding the right artist, presenting us his or her lists of works and allowing us to listen, enjoy and learn more about any song that artist made.

The app has comprehensive lists of works for every performer, all the songs and albums that the artist produced. The app allows us to search by song name or artist name, see that artist's works list, listen to any of the songs and learn more about the song and the artist as well.

In fact, using the app is just like having your own music shop right there in your pocket. You can find any artist you want, listen to his or her music, find out more about them, experience more albums and works by the artist and possess everything you need to enjoy music on your Android smartphone and mobile device. 

With a simple interface, a unique design language and very useful features, All Songs App is one app that not only will stay installed on your device, but it will make you ask your self, how did I manage without it before?!?

Google Play Link

Monsters Fall by Loop Ends - Android App Featured Review

Monsters Fall by Loop Ends - Android App Featured Review   

When looking at the cold, hard facts you can easily see that games in google play for Android smartphones and mobile devices usually fall into three or four main categories, with strategy games, RPG games, simulators of various kinds and of course, arcades. 

In this article we would like to focus on a relatively new comer to the google play website, the game Monsters Fall by a very innovative South America studio, Loop Ends. The premise of the game is quite simple. Monsters are falling down and the player must help them roll down the levels, avoiding the pitfalls and retrieving the various presents and items along the way.

So far we've haven't said anything special, though actually trying the save the monsters instead of fighting them is actually quite refreshing. However, we have seen various forms of platform games for years and we haven't told you yet what makes Monsters Fall stand out among its peers on google play.

First of all, the controls. We HAVE seen platform games controlled by accelerometers in the past but Monsters Fall does it really well. The games runs incredibly smoothly with the tilt controls and moving our monsters by tilting the device creates a whole new gaming experience.

The graphics and the music are all very well designed by professionals. This creates a very slick and pleasing game that is at least one level above its peers in the arcade scene. Everything from the items to be caught to the traps to be avoided are made with this in mind.

But actually the most pleasing aspect of Monsters Fall is its cuteness. We understand people are now shaking their heads while reading this but the games is REALLY REALLY cute, with a cartoonish feel to it and monsters that you want to save and hug. 

Monsters Fall comes close to be an ideal arcade game, from violence free gameplay to very cute monsters to a sleek design with engaging music. The game is great for casual play and can even be given to kids to hone in their coordination and planning skills.

Google Play Link

Receiptish - Receipt Generator - Android App Featured Review

Receiptish - Receipt Generator by Digital Babies - Android App Featured Review   

If you're the CEO of Amazon or Starbucks, you probably don't need to read this article. However, most of us may find this article and the app it reviews VERY interesting. The problem we try to address the is the problem of receipts, a problem that face small and medium businesses and even independent service providers. 

A service provider must provide a receipt upon reception of payment but the very nature of the services provides may preclude the carrying of a 'mobile' cashier machine. But think of the yoga instructor or the doctor making a house visit or even the graphic designer that must provide a receipt but don't have the means to do it instantly, forcing them to send the receipt by mail later.

But small businesses and even medium ones have problems, as cashier machines are sometimes complicated to operate and the people that need to make them work need extensive training in them or on PC desktop receipt generating software which is usually complicated and bulky. 

This means that quite a lot of people need a simple solution to receipt generation, one that will be mobile and very simple to operate. Enter Receiptish, a very useful app that allows the user to customize, generate send and store receipts, all done right on the user's smartphone.

First of all, the user gets to customize the receipt he or she needs by uploading a logo, deciding what information (such as the business that generated the receipt, for what service, types of currency etc) the receipt will present and even (on the premium version of the app) choose among several types of receipt to generate.

Then the user can generate the receipt, easily and very fast after entering the client's details. The app store the receipt and can also send it by email. Of course, the app calculates taxes and discounts automatically and it's so usable it can actually replace the old and worn receipt book.

All in all, Receiptish is a great solution to anyone who wants the enjoy all the benefits 21st century android smartphones and mobile devices can bring to a business, making things much more flexible, rapid, simple to operate and mobie.

Google Play Link

Azonator by Lenube - Android App Featured Review

Azonator by Lenube - Android App Featured Review   

There is a reason we do what we do, review and write articles about apps for Android Smartphones and mobile devices. We say that we love the functionality, the usability, the way we can use our smartphones as mobile offices, mobile entertainment centers, mobile communications centers and ever security centers.

But actually, we lie.

What we really LOVE about our smartphones is the way they help us save money. It's not always the amount save, though sometimes using the right app can net us savings of hundreds or even thousands of dollars but it is the principle of the thing. What good is it to be hooked up to the entire Internet all the time if we cannot save money with it?

And here comes along Azonator be Lenube, an app that the first thing we should say about it is that it has a cool name, in sharp contrast to a LOT of other apps we reviewed that were very good but had crappy names. We know, that's not the most important thing in the world but still!

Anyway, what Azonator does is simplicity itself. All the user has to do is run the app, search for the item he or she is interested in (by using the product's name or specific keywords) and the app presents a list of matches, with the sales appearing next to them, with prices and present-ages (of the full price).

The user can sort the results and can also filter them, instructing the app to find sales of 75 present, for instance. After the desired product is found, the user can go to the product's page on amazon's site or even perform the purchase direct from the app.

Of course, the savings here can be HUGE. Azonator can easily find you that retailer or seller that sells on amazon and has a sale RIGHT NOW. Just think how much can you save if you buy a five hundred dollar smartphone or a thousand dollar TV and Azonator finds you a 50 percent discount sale.

Azonator has definitely made it to our list of apps that should NEVER be deleted from our smartphones.

Google Play Link

Born2Invest - Android App Review

Born2Invest - Android App Review   

There are people out there who make money investing. In fact, one of the only ways to make a substantial amount of money is by investing, except being a top model, businessman or a movie star. Just ask Warren Buffett about it. 

Of course, another advantage of investing for us little people (you know, the regular Joe with a wife, 3 kids, a job and a montage) is that you can do it while still keeping your regular day job, at least until you make enough money to retire comfortably to some island and consume drinks with little umbrellas in them.

But if you stop and think about it, you will realize you know some people who spend money and invest but how many of them have been able to retire to those islands? The answer is probably zero. Investing and making money is not as easy as it seems at first.

Investing is not easy but it SHOULD be. All you have to do is buy a lot of stocks that people will want to buy real bad AFTER you bought them. How difficult can this be? Well, it's very difficult and the problem is information. Actually, the key is information.

To invest well you have to know what is going on around the world, with emphasis on news that will affect stocks. From economic news to political news to technology news, every piece of information may affect the way investors all around the world act. To be a good investor, you have to know the news in advance, almost the instant they take place.

This is why Born2Invest is such an important tool for beginner and advanced investors. The app displays news items and information in real time from a lot of news sources that have impact on stocks and investing. In other words, this app will make sure you stay in the forefront of news and happenings around the worlds as you get a feed on important news the moment they take place.

Born2Invest provides a short rundown of each news items, carefully screened for items that will be relevant to investors, from real estate to mining and precious metal availability. Then, after you have the information Born2Invest has provided you with, all you have to do is buy and sell the right stocks. 

Our reviewers liked the app a lot. The news articles are short and concise yet still the app makers and news publishes manage to cram inside all the relevant information. In addition, the spread of the news items seemed really international, with items coming from all across the globe.

Our reviewers also liked the real time aspect of the app. Timing is critical in investing and the app makers manage to consistently beat or at least publish items at the same time as major online news papers which is really nice because a news paper has a lot of times and Born2Invest has news items relevant to investing only ...

There are two main pieces of advice and tips that our reviewers offered. The first one is about investing. The app is a valuable tool for investors but you still need to learn to invest, something which is outside the scope of the app.

The second tip is that the app is very useful and not only for investors because knowing what transpires abroad in a way which is not time consuming is always helpful.


  • Score: 4.7. An accurate news items service for investors.
  • Description: This app presents the user with various world wide news items that an investor needs to know, from oil prices to political developments.
  • Good Points: Very condensed news items. Carefully selected articles that impact investment policies. Very sleek and functional user interface.
  • Bad Points: None, really. Perhaps a screening feature for every user, though that would demands hundreds of editors to select the news items ... 
  • Experience: Installing the app and start using it was very easy and straight forward. Finding the relevant news items for a specific investment policy was also very easy after a short learning period.
  • Longevity: For all those that invest or actually want to know what is REALLY happening in our world, Born2Invest is indispensable.
  • Link to Google Play
