Showing posts with label Android App Featured. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android App Featured. Show all posts

Mega 8 - Free - Android App Featured

Mega 8 - Free by DB Enjoy - Android App Featured   

Android smartphones and mobile devices (yeah, and even the other kind) are here to make our lives better. The huge amount of apps out there on google play allow us to work better, communicate better, be safer and even save money. But, these android smartphones and mobile devices have another function.

That function is to entertain us, of course. It is not by chance that google play has SO many games. Modern life and the multitude of duties and roles everyone has to perform leave many with just a few minutes here and there to enjoy life, so why not whip our your smartphone and play a quick and enjoyable game?

Well, Mega 8 is a game that fills that bill exactly. Simple to understand and operate, lightning quick setup and launching, and then the game begins and the player must deal with the game itself, going from easy to hard.

What exactly is Mega 8 and why did we choose it for showcasing? Well, like we said the game itself is quite simple. Colored and numbered spheres float across the screen. The player's role is simple but harder than it seems. The player must combine numbered spheres to reach exactly the sum of 8, for example combining 5 and 3.

The game is harder than it seems, because the spheres must be controlled less they collide. They keep floating and the player must adjust their courses, testing his or her spacial orientation skills to the max. In addition, making combo combines (three or four spheres together) AND playing against the time (in the full version) will challenge everyone.

Mega 8 is a simple but fun game, without heavy smartphone requirements and very quick to launch, setup and play though providing plenty of challenge for anyone. The game is ideal for those idle moments everyone has AND can be used with kids, letting them test their spatial coordination skills and math skills, an important combination.

Textual Timeface - Android App Featured

Textual Timeface by Andreas Schosser - Android App Featured   

With Android smartphones, mobile devices and even smart watches, the name of the game is convenience and saving up time and effort. It's not that modern people are lazy or inept, it's just that they would rather turn their energies into other venues, more productive and lucrative.

Thus, Google Play represents (almost!) the total sum of human effort invested in finding new ways to cultivate the exciting new technology and tremendous computing power we can get for even a hundred bucks. From apps that make shopping easier and faster, to apps that let us use the smartphone's camera to scan things and the list goes on and on.

Smart watches are a relatively new invention with new benefits and new limitations. While sporing a relatively small (circa two inch screens), nevertheless they already have a wide range of apps AND the native operating system that take advantage of Bluetooth communications to hook to our smartphone and notify us of incoming email etc.

So, with one glance on our smartwatch, we can see if we have new email, or a new SMS, or an event is about to begin, or a WhatsApp message has arrive and we didn't see it or hear the smartphone's notification. But aside from that, the smartwatch has an often neglected but very important functionality of its own. It should tell us what the time is.

This is exactly where Textual Time face aims to do. Textual Timeface has a very interesting idea that deserves merit. We think we need an exact time by the seconds but we usually can manage quite well with a "quarter to seven" time., even the busiest and most active business man.

Textual Timeface shows time by a textual message, with the app adjusting for smartwatch or smartphone use. In any case, it displays any time by text, such as the infamous "quarter to seven." The clock faces themselves can be adjusted and the patters and colors create beautiful results.

To sum this up, Textual Timeface is an original app that shows the time by text messages, making our life easier by removing the need to make the translation in our own heads.

Word Path - Android App Featured

Word Path by Venables Games - Android App Featured   

Let's talk entertainment, shall we? Android smartphones and android mobile devices can do SO much (as the reviews here on Android Review Center will show you) but entertainment always seems to be a bit lagging behind. Even though there are some GREAT games out there on google play, there seems to be an undercurrent that thinks, 'games are less important'.

Well, we disagree. Strongly, in fact. We know people that walk around with six inch Asus zenphones and six point four inch Sony Xperia Ultra Z monster smartphones just to be able to play better, see the games with larger screens and on a much larger real estate area. 

So, why are games important? First of all, they are fun. Even in our industrial and computerized world, we must never forget to have fun. Forgetting that means that the MACHINE has won. In addition, the correct type of games also teach us and hone our various skills, which is just as important.

So let's introduce Word Path, a small game which is nevertheless one we should pay close attention to. The game itself is quite simple, though simple does not mean easy. All the player has to do is find the longest word possible in the matrix of letters presented, racing against the clock and choosing to go with the easy green letters that start a word or living dangerously and trying to find others words.

Word Path as ladders and achievements boards but that is less important than the benefits this game brings. Its specially designed streamlined design and user interface allows the player to concentrate only on the task at hand, perfect for using the five spare minutes we have to play, have fun and hone our linguistic skills, which is always important.

But we see other uses, mainly concerning kids. Think about it. Just give your kids the game, and tell them that to watch their TV show they have to achieve a certain rank on the game. Linguistic skill advancement and education through playing at the same time. Perfect.

In conclusion, Word Path is an unorthodox word finding game with some real potential.    

RavR - Social Raving 24_7 - Android App Featured

RavR - Social Raving 24/7 - Android App Featured   

Let's face it, people. We humans are social creatures and social interaction is one of the most important things for us. The nighttime scene is the pinnacle of social interactions for a growing number of people, teens and older. Android smartphones and mobile devices are slowly starting to be able to support our nighttime interactions.

We are introducing Ravr - Social Raving 24/7, a new app that has everything anyone interested and indeed living the nightlife scene needs. This app presents all the information needed to liven up the nighttime raving activities of anyone with any interests, even at daytime. 

What does this app do? Quite simple, it contains everything we need to know about the nightlife scene in order to be able to enjoy it the best we can. First and foremost, the app presents all the clubs and bar nearest to the user, and allows the user to see them on a map and even navigate to them. 

But the app has more, much more. All interesting evens, special parties and performances are also displayed by the app, allowing the user to select the most interesting and appealing activity to him or her, even taking into account things like special discounts and deals that are available ONLY to users of RavR - Social Raving 24/7.

But the app does more than merely show information. It also creates a community of like minded individuals who can share reviews, opinions and messages about places and events, to make sure the word about a good bar is spread around but a bad club will be shunned until everything needs fixing is fixed.

The app also supports the community by allowing chats and message exchange between nearby users of the app, all to bring people together and let them exchange information and experiences. 

This app is all about experiences and has everything everyone will ever need to make nightlife and good partying take a mighty step forward.    

Crazy Money Button - Android App Featured

Crazy Money Button by Michael Asaraf - Android App Featured   

It will come as no great surprise that we love Android smartphones and mobile devices. We think it's self explanatory but we do feel obliged to point out that the sheer functionality of these devices, being mobile offices, mobile entertainment offices, mobile communications centers and mobile security centers is at the heart of things.

In addition, we love following select studios and indie developers around and seeing what they are after. Even if one app or a game of a studio is a hit, it is no indication others will, but if an app or a game is good and of good quality, it IS a strong indication all of the other apps will be.

So, we will now bring another app by indi devloper Michael Asaraf whose game Next Business Tycoon we reviewed and enjoyed here. This time, we would like to present another game, called Crazy Money Button. What is interesting to note is that although Next Business Tycoon is a hugely complex and interesting strategy game, Crazy Money Button is a lightning quick casual game.

So, what is Crazy Money Button all about? The game is quite simple and requires faith in yourself and a certain amount of luck. The player gets a button and all he or she has to do is press it, receiving a number as a result. Wining is simplicity itself, all you have to do is hit a round number, the rounder the better.

The game has a money counter which is shared among players and a global ranking ladder so everyone can see how well (or bad ...) he or she did. In addition, the game also sports challenges which are a challenge in themselves not to just achieve but achieve faster than anyone else! Last but not least, real prizes will be handed out to the winners!

There is a place for heavy, complicated games and there is a place for quick casual games that raise your adrenalin level and let you play for a few minutes at a time, whenever you have a little free time. 

Crazy Money Button is original, well made and most important of all, fun to play.    

Fitness Against Friends - Android App Featured

Fitness Against Friends - Android App Featured   

We usually begin articles with the general classification of Android smartphone and mobile device roles and functions, stating that they are supposed to be mobile offices, security centers, mobile entertainment centers and more. However, in this article we would like to focus on something that we have been neglecting, and have little doubt almost everyone else has been neglecting.

We are talking about fitness. A lot of people will scoff at this point, citing modern living, clean eating (on rare cases!) and lack of time as the prime reasons we plan to do our fitness only when we'll retire but fitness is important to us, more important than any other time in history due to the comforts of modern life and the relative comfort of our modern jobs.

Lack of fitness will result in higher stress, more unhealthy things in our blood (cholesterol and sugar) and will dramatically raise the chance of unwelcome serious illnesses such as diabetes, heart related problems, even cancer and dementia. 

But enough with that. We all know we HAVE to stay fit. The question is, how do we do it?

And that's not really the question, as everyone who had ever tried to maintain a fitness training regime has found out. The problem is not How to get in shape, the problem is How to keep exercising when it's raining outside, with all new episodes of Dexter about to air and when we are just not in the mood for it.

Fitness Against Friends is an app that has the right idea about how to solve that motivation problem. The app makers have reached the correct solution to the problem, which is of course based around friends. Our friends, family and various acquaintances a a huge motivational force in our life and Fitness Against Friends harnesses this great power to help us train and stay fit.

The app lets the user create and maintain workout regimes and programs, and then the app lets the user compete with friends and family. The app will post notifications on the achievements of others in our group and help the user share his or her own achievements, spicing things up with some cleverly selected insults to keep the blood pumping and the fire in the eyes.

Fitness Against Friends will make you compete in a friendly way against your friends, and that's the strongest motivational force ever devised. A great app with a great idea that not only will make YOU stay in shape, but will also motivate your friends and family.

Do you see know why we love it?   

And for Apple users: iOS Link
