Showing posts with label Android App Featured. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android App Featured. Show all posts

PhoneID - Android App Featured

PhoneID by Lanyards Tomorrow - Android App Featured   

What we love about our Android smartphones and mobile device is the many many many things they come in handy, and in fact revolutionize the way we do things, from navigating to shopping to staying in touch and much more.

Another thing we love is originality, and when it comes together with our previous passage about how android smartphones make our lives better, it becomes clear why so many people will give up watches and game consoles and laptops but will never part with their phone.

Enter PhoneID, a simple and FREE app which aims to solve one thing people on conferences, airports and on many other occasions need. An ID card. Whenever you to go a conference or on any other gathering of many people, it becomes a bother wearing your ID card, especially if it is one MORE thing to carry and fasten and remember to put on the second day as well ...

Well, PhoneID is here to solve this. But turning the smartphones (or other mobile device) into a large ID card, we can (again!) forgo our card and just use our smartphone to ID us, just making sure we tied it or otherwise attach it to the front of our shirts.

PhoneID is very simple to use and allows the creation of an ID card in a manner of minutes by someone who has never seen the app before. Horizontal or vertical, with an image or not, data fields to be represented an a scanning code appearance are the main options available with this app.

Of course, the uses go beyond just conferences. We can create a large greeting card for a loved one or someone from work we're supposed to pickup from the airport. We can use them on trips with the kids' classes so everyone will recognize us. We can even use them on kids' phones so if they get lost, people can help them be found again!

In short, PhoneID is a much needed app, original but simple to use that will finally retire those pesky only ID cards some of us had to wear on occasions. Well done!

NUSCH.ME - Android App Featured

NUSCH.ME - Android App Featured   

There are quite a LOT of uses for android smartphones and mobile devices (okay, and the other type too ...). This is exactly what makes these devices so useful. From mobile office to entertainment center, security center and communications center, these are just for starters.

But when we get really down to business, what we like most is apps that save us money,

What can we do? We're humans (mostly) and saving money is what being human is all about. The technology existing today on our android smartphones has come to the point where there exist apps (if you know where to look) that can save us money. A lot of money.

The problem is making calls when abroad, a well known problem. Since changing the SIM on the smartphone is a problem (because everything is so SMALL inside AND you have to keep your old SIM safe or you wouldn't be able to make calls when you return home) you have to use roaming charges, the really high charges when using another random cellular service operator aboard. 

Which is exactly what is here to solve.

This simple app helps take care of all of that. It allows you to rent a local number in almost any country you are in, and then make any call you want using local rates. shows you the number you use and you can choose between using your own number or the one offered by the app.

In addition, the app has another VERY useful feature which displays the call charges and the remaining credit at all times. Of course, this makes keeping expenses under control easier and simpler. Of course, the app displays your contact list and call history.

Everything with works in real time, so you can decide whether to rent a local number when you're already abroad and use your remaining credit, payable by paypal or credit card.

So, for a neat and easy to operate solution to the expensive roaming charges problem, you really cannot do much better than

Giraffe Adventure! - Android App Featured

Giraffe Adventure! by Mike's Fun Free Games! - Android App Featured   

Arcade and adventure games are one of the types of games most people love to play and the reasons are quite obvious. They are great for smartphones with average sized or smaller screens, they don't require long setup to reach the action and they can be played on every short break the player has.

Among the arcade games, side scroller are among the most popular games, simply because they are very simple to play, don't require many rules and yet are quite challenging, requiring quick eyes and fingers and even quicker minds that can multitask and plan ahead.

All of the above bring us to Giraffe Adventure!, the arcade game where the player gets to play an innocent young giraffe that is hunted by a malevolent hunter who wants the giraffe for his own zoo, disregarding the well being and rights of the wild animal. The player must help the giraffe escape the hunter and the other dangers in Africa, starting from poisonous frogs and working upwards. 

The player controlling the giraffe can run, walk, retreat, jump and even use its long neck to strike animals that threaten it. The game at first is quite easy but the difficulty and the challenge rise rapidly as the player moves up the levels.

What sets Giraffe Adventure! on different plane compared to other arcade games the sheer richness of the game, from the variety of animals and dangers encountered long the way, to the varied landscapes to the many abilities possessed by the giraffe itself.

But the crown jewel is the level designer incorporated in the game. Do you want to design a special level for your kids? Want to experience sheer mayhem with a particular type of predator? Want to arrange a challenging competition among players of Giraffe Adventure! The level designer allows you to do all of that. 

In conclusion, Giraffe Adventure! is a rich arcade games, with beautiful design and animations, lots of animals and of course, a level designer which is a rare feature indeed.

Terry Brival - Android App Featured

Terry Brival - Android App Featured   

Every one has heard of Terry Brival, haven't you? The French born singer with the magical and wild voice, whose debut album Désirs Brûlants has been followed by other great works such as "Chéri" Cocktail Dézil, Glimmer of Hope, "You and Me" and "I love You" and more ...

Terry is also an author and a songwriter and his music is partly soul and partly R&B, contributing some wild sounds to the world music. His voice has been said to be very similar to the late Micheal Jackson, Steve Wonder and Bob Marley. In other words, if you are one of the few people who haven't heard him singing, put him HIGH on your need-to-hear list.

For those fan of Terry Brival who already know him and for those that should know him and want to learn about him, the Terry Brival app presents the perfect solution. What it does is quite simple, concentrate and display and play all the relevant information about Terry Brival in ONE place.

The app can take the user immediately to see every thing about Terry Brival on Amazon, iTunes and Rdio, to see what albums, songs and other products by the singer are there, available for purchase without the need for lengthy searches. Everything is made immediately available. 

But what fan experience is complete without social networking? The app supports every kind of social networking that you've heard of, and some that you haven't. Are you connected to Facebook or Google Plus? The app will take you directly to Terry Brival's page to see the latest news and updates.

Last but not least, the app will connect you to Terry Brival's music directly, allowing you to select and play any song from any album of this very talented creator. Just select the song, or music video source and you're good to go.

This app is perfect in delivering Terry Brival's music, news and lyrics right to your smartphone, even allowing you to go over his clothing line, with a slick and easy to operate professional designed UI.

Don't Don't Don't - Android App Featured

Don't Don't Don't by Dennis Cessan - Android App Featured   

We keep saying on Android Review Center that games for Android Smartphones and mobile devices can be very broadly divided into two kinds. the ultra complicated ones with resource mining, management and strategy and the other kind, the simple arcade and mind games.

We are not saying that one kind is better than the other. Far from it. The simple, straightforward games are just as much fun as the complicated ones and require just as much thought and practice. Of course, a simple arcade game must be good in order to be enjoyable. No surprises there ... 

So, let's take a look at a good simple game, shall we? In fact, a game that its iOS version was declared the best new game in the US app store in March. The game is called Don't Don't Don't and despite its name we think its a good one.

The premise of the game is deceptively simple. We are given a bird and a rotating circle with two openings and our task is simple, just fly the bird up into the rotating circle and then fly it out the circle, again using the moving openings in the circle.

Sounds simple, doesn't it? But it's harder than it looks and it keeps getting harder. Controlling the bird is not that simple and requires good hand to eye coordination. Flying it through the gaps in the circle is also a challenge, and the player must think ahead and plan the bird's trajectory carefully or he or she will end up with one dead turkey on their hands.

We believe that Don't Don't Don't has everything a good arcade game needs. A challenge, an ever evolving playing characters (as more types of birds become available as you reach more levels), a leaderboard and simple gameplay that becomes real difficult in a short time.

In other words, this game is ideal for those idle moments we have, or just to lay back, put our fingers and mind in gear and plunge right into those circles, hopefully to come out whole on the other side.

FPS Zombies: Call of Zombie by Forthright Entertainment - Android App Featured

FPS Zombies: Call of Zombie by Forthright Entertainment - Android App Featured   

The nice thing about Android smartphones and mobile devices is the sheer amount of apps and games of every conceivable type and kind. Even if we limit ourselves to games, we still get hundreds of thousands of games of every type and kind, from complex strategy games to simple arcade and mind games. And of course, there are the FPS's.

First Person Shooters are also a dime a dozen, with all kinds of stories, controls, weapons and enemies. They range from anti terrorist games to science fiction games where the player must shoot aliens or a robot army or evil demons from another dimension. You get the picture.

However, we would like to showcase a FPS we think is quite special, and we'll shortly tell you why. The FPS is called FPS Zombies: Call of Zombie by Forthright Entertainment which have also made two other very interesting games, Defend From the Romans TD and Thundergods Memory Match .

Well, the premise of FPS Zombies: Call of Zombie is quite simple and not uncommon among FPS. In the near future, a zombie plague breaks out and we must head out deep into a labyrinth and find and destroy the source of the plague, employing firearms, sensors of various types and fast honed reflexes. Still, this is not the highlight of the game.

Where the game really shines is the zombies, the plague stricken humans the player must kill in order to win the game. The zombies are BEAUTIFUL! Fully 3D, rendered in loving detail, with different motions and movements for everyone, some having grown to huge size while others devolved into crawling things. 

The enemy is what makes a good FPS and the enemies in this game are superb! Shooting realistic, clearly rendered and real gory zombies in glorious 3D is what makes all the fun, and FPS Zombies: Call of Zombie has a lot of fun in it!
