Showing posts with label Super Droid Studio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Super Droid Studio. Show all posts

Digital Clock Widget - Android App Featured

Digital Clock Widget by Super Droid Studio - Android App Featured   

Let's face it, people. Although there are a LOT of uses for android smartphones and mobile devices with a huge number of apps that will do almost anything, the thing we use the most and the thing that runs most of the time is our homescreen watch widget, if we have any. Whenever we open an app, close an app, unlock our phone or lock it yet again, we always go through our homescreen.

Besides, the homescreen watch widget should be something that will help us do whatever task we need to do with our smartphone as quickly and as comfortably as possible. Since it is already taking up quite a lot of real estate on our smartphone's homescreen, it should be useful to run things and not only show us information.

But there are a LOT of watch widgets for Android smartphones, what should we choose for our our smartphone?

Well, we chose Digital Clock Widget by Super Droid Studio whose apps we've already covered in depth on Android Review Center before. Let's take a quick look and see why this app is one of the favorite ones with our reviewers.

First of all, design and beauty. Say what you will but a widget that is displayed so prominently on the smartphone's or mobile's homescreen should be eye pleasing and Digital Clock Widget has fifteen designs, all beautifully made. There's the bomb clock (our favorite!), the ship window, the old style digital clock design and many more. All lovely! 

The second thing is functionality. Digital Clock Widget has a very useful smart tool bar which is completely configurable. All and any apps can be configured to be launched straight from the widget, making operating the tons of apps and utilities on our mobile device so much easier and faster. It is a much more natural way to handle the smartphone. Try it and you'll see what we mean.

In addition, the widget has some smart setup options, which are both very useful and simple to use, from setting up the smart notification bar with any apps we want to selecting the exact way we want our watch to appear, with time, date and appearance settings. 

You cannot go wrong with this app, as it has both functionality and appearance and it really has the potential of transforming your smartphone's user experience. 

Bubble Shooter by Super Droid Studio - Android App Featured

Bubble Shooter by Super Droid Studio - Android App Featured   

Who hasn't spend hours and hours bursting bubbles with the classic, trusty bubble shooter game? From desktops to old IPACS to even older mobile devices, all carried this game and there's no one who hand't played it and shouted with joy when ten or more bubbles burst at the same time.

Now, finally, a great version of the game had hit Google Play. It has all the elements everyone loved from the original game. A great many levels, challenging starting points, multiple colors and the bubble shooter itself, that you can carefully aim to shoot your bubble at the correct place. 

On the smartphone, this is an ideal game for those looking for a few quiet minutes, or to keep their brains busy, or just have the kids develop their thinking skills in a game that is completely lacking in violence.

Circle Pong - Android App Featured

Circle Pong by Super Droid Studio - Android App Featured   

Simplicity has its virtues and among the hundreds of thousands of games on google plus there exist a huge selection of complicated games, with complex rules, dozens of units and untold rules, all creating games that are better played on tablets and require quite a lot of time, both to understand how to play and to play each session.  

On the other side of the scale exist the simpler games, games that do not require such a lot of time to understand the rules or to manage to play a session, which is both more suitable to Android Smartphones and to our own busy life and cramped schedules, where we can barely find a few minutes to relax between appointments or work..

Of course, even among the games that are shorter and simpler by nature there exist a great variety. Some are puzzles which require puzzle and riddle solving, obviously. Others are arcades, designed to let the player struggle with difficulties while he or she fights to move the game's character from start to finish.

Finally, there exists the arcade or action genre which is simple and requires great hand to eye coordination, lightning fast reflex and unwavering concentration. These games are very popular because they are really great to pass a few idle minutes, are very relaxing as the player's fingers flash across the screen and the concentration needed helps the player focus easier on his tasks later on.

Circle Pong is a very interesting example of the action genre. 

The aim of Circle Pong is quite simple. Use your finger to control the bat and keep the ball inside the circle. Of course, the ball moves faster and faster and the player must move his fingers faster in order to bring the bat to the correct place in order to keep the ball inside the circle. Along with fast and rhythmic music, Circle Pong is very fun variation of the ping pong game. 

Circle Pong is quite difficult as the concentration needed to keep the ball inside the circle is intense. One wrong finger pass or one distraction is all that suffices to let the ball escape and finish the game. The challenge is on, not only to succeed in keeping the ball inside the circle, but also to keep succeeding for a longer period of time.

To sum things up, Circle Pong is both simple, eminently playable and a lot of instant fun, great for any idle moment and great for both reflexes and concentration. 

Google Play Link
