Showing posts with label WDiTT. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WDiTT. Show all posts

Pximity by WDiTT - Android App Featured

Pximity by WDiTT - Android App Featured   

Social networking, whether we like it or not, has become an integral feature of our lives, whatever line of business we have or the kind of life we're conducting. We use social networks to discover and maintain connection with friends. We advertise and look for businesses online, on social networks. There is almost no facet of our lives that doesn't exist on social networks.

But for the last few years, the social networking arena seemed in decline, or at least seemed to be stagnating. There wasn't anything new being done anywhere. Facebook keeps changing your timeline's content and updating privacy settings while Google Plus seemed to be doing even less. Where is that bold social networking app that will take the next step?!?

Of course, we wouldn't have asked this question unless we had a firm believe we found the app that made that journey into new territory. Meet Pximity.

What is Pximity?Pximity consolidates all the information from the user's existing social networks into one mega user and more importantly, the app retrieves the user's contact lists from all these diverse sources. Then, Pximity can search and alert the user whenever one of his or her contacts approaches (less than half a mile away).

In addition, Pximity enables the user to search for new contacts and businesses, browse their contact information and their location. Then, the user can decide whether he or she wants to contact the new interesting people or businesses that was found through Pximity, social networks or simply by going up to he, she or it.

Pximity allows the user to select whether he or she want to be found by other Pximity users and what information will be displayed for them. In fact, the great thing about Pximity, aside from the fusion of several social networks into one is the next step forwards it does, tying in the physical world with our computerized one.

The uses are staggering, virtually endless. From coordinating deployment of the neighborhood watch, to finding a like-minded date on Saturday night, to finding a liquor store in an unfamiliar place, to watching over family members with smartphones on an excursion. And the list goes on and on ... 

Innovative, useful, and ties in the real world with our social networked world. Apps really don't come any better than this.

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