Showing posts with label android featured app. Show all posts
Showing posts with label android featured app. Show all posts

Swing Wizards - Android Featured App

Swing Wizards by Earth Little - Android Featured App  

It has been said that the only thing we receive when we arrive upon this world is innocence. We have to fight for everything else. We might want to add a little correction, that sometimes in this world we have to fight to keep our innocence. This is a rarely spoken truth ...

Unfortunately, quite a lot of games, apps and media available today (not only for Android Smartphones but in general) are items whose presence erodes or evaporates the little bit of innocence we have left, if we are talking about blatant sexual things or things with excessive violence. In other words, just look how many things we cannot show our small kids or let them play. 

On Android Review Center we are quite pleased to showcase from time to time apps that do act to keep our innocence and as a consequence are suitable for kids, though not limited to them. In this case, we would like to introduce Swing Wizards by Earth Little.

The gameplay for Swing Wizards is quite simple, though the game is far from being easy. The player gets to play one of four flying fairy tale characters, from wizards to several kinds of fairies. Then, the player must fly his character to safety and escape the orcs with their steel balls and the other obstacles in the game.

With some similarities to Flappy Bird, the game is all about reflexes, quick reactions and thinking ahead, planning the course of the flying character. Controlling the flying wizard or fairy is simple and intuitive but the difficulty gets harder as the game progresses.

The backgrounds, characters and the graphics in the game are something. It is clear a lot of effort has been invested in making a game that will look REALLY beautiful, if it's the castle or forest backgrounds, to the painstakingly drawn characters to the enemies themselves. Everything is a real eye candy.

Swing Wizards is the game of choice for adults who want to hone their reflexes and enjoy a fantasy game, with no guns, robots and bombers of any kinds. Of course, it is quite a safe game for kids with little to no violence, safe environments and simple gameplay that will nonetheless challenge the kids' hand to eye coordination.

Opera Mobile Store

Currency converter app by Tiarsoft - Android Featured App

Currency converter app by Tiarsoft - Android Featured App  

We always say that Android smartphones' purpose is to serve as mobile communications center, mobile entertainment centers and of course, mobile office but actually here on Android Review Center we love the most the apps that save us money. What can we do? That's the kind of people we are.

Saving money takes lots of different forms and shapes, from free services to reduced prices international calls and messages (we introduced apps that do all those things here on Android Review Center). But this time we would like to delve into the subject of currency conversion apps and the saving they bring us.

Naturally, we would like to introduce Currency Converter App by Tiarsoft.

Okay, so what's the big deal with currency converters? First of all, for those dealing with the stock market and foreign exchanges, knowing from moment to moment the current relative value of different currencies is imperative. Of course, every one buying and selling things abroad, whether as a business or just shopping on Ebay must know the current exchange rates. Last but not least, all those traveling abroad must know the value of money.

Currency Converter App indeed shows the user the relative value of currency. The user can select a view where the value of one currency is translated into several others for ease of reference, and of course the user can configure what currency will be translated into which currencies.

In addition, Currency Converter App updates automatically (with a toggle that can be turned off if the user needs to) so whenever the user wants to see exchange rates, the app automatically displays current exchange rates, which is quite important, especially when dealing with international stocks that open and close on different hours.

Last but not least is a currency exchange graph, displaying the various changes in the exchange rate of a selected currency. Anyone who trades in foreign money or needs to exchange it, or just wants to wait to see when to buy something abroad will find this graph indispensable for saving money, since it becomes quite clear whether the value of a currency rises or plummets.

Currency Converter App is a quite complete currency exchange rate display app, with up to date displays of every currency, automatic updates and currency exchange rate graphs so the user can follow and understand the changes in the value of money. It goes on without saying that the app is fully customizable in its displays and the currencies it follows.

Google Play Link

Pup Jumper by Toby Unterfranz - Android Featured App

Pup Jumper by Toby Unterfranz - Android Featured App  

There is a time and place for everything and platform arcade games are no exception. They are usually simple, easy to learn, present a challenge and are perfect to pass the time when you're waiting for an appointment, waiting for a large program to compile or just have a few minutes to kill.

But platform games offer another exciting opportunity and that is to keep the kids occupied, even for a few minutes. Of course, we at Android Review Center are not in favor of letting the kids use our Android Smartphones ALL the times, but sometimes it is very beneficial to have a suitable game ready to run .

We would like to present Pup Jumper, a game that is enjoyable to both adults and kids.

What's the story with Pup Jumper? Well, the story is quite simple, really. A golden Labrador pup finds himself in the middle of the desert and he must find his way out while taking care to avoid dangerous obstacles such as cats, snakes and much more.

The gameplay itself is quite simple and easy to understand as our golden Labrador pup can be walked and jump with ease and only the timing remains, to make sure our pup makes the right jumps at exactly the right time to avoid the desert's obstacles.

For adults, the game can be a lot of fun because of its very professional and attractive graphics, coupled with levels with increasing levels of difficulty, all of which makes Pup Jumper ideal for that five minutes break you now have.

But the game really shines when given to kids. They learn very fast how to play it (even very small kids get the idea rapidly) and the game's graphics are all cute and cuddly, with a marked absence of violence from the game, which is something quite rare these days and its lack makes it suitable for kids.

To sum things up, Pup Jumper is a platform game with a lot of action, needing quick fingers and great hand to eye coordination. The game can be played but adults and kids who adopt to this game rather quick, making this game a must app to have installed, just for emergencies.

Google Play Link

Solar Rush - Android Featured App

Solar Rush by Gazzapper Games - Android Featured App  

We at Android Review Center love retro games for several reasons. First of all, they have a romantic feeling to them, a feeling of old times and better games. Secondly, they are mostly simpler to play and master than some of the super complicated games to today. Last but not least, they are usually less violent.

In addition, there are still people even on our team who remember the old games along with the old PCs, and even ATARI, AMIGA and Comodore consoles. Ask anyone who actually owned one of these and he or she will shed a tear for those classic consoles.

That is why we take great pleasure in finding and introducing retro games and Solar Rush is no exception.

Well, Solar Rush is fun to play for several reasons. First of all, it's retro looks are quite perfect, complete with pixelized icons and 8 bit sounds. The game itself is quite simple. You pilot your spaceship that must collect enough sollar cells while avoiding the shots being fire at your spaceship.

Gameplay is simple, with arrows controlling the movements of the player's spaceship and the levels themselves are quite straightforward, though the difficulty rises considerably as the player advanced through the many levels of this game.

The music, sounds and tunes are all 8 bit digitized, which means they sound exactly like games on ancient gaming consoles sounded like. For those that actually owned those consoles. Solar Rush is like coming home. Even those that are new to this, will find Solar Rush a different and quite invigorating experience.

We did mention that the game becomes harder as the player advances through the levels, with faster shots being fired and obstacles added, however the speed boost power-up will come handy when the player must collect a lot of solar cells in a short amount of time.

In conclusion, Solar Rush is a very well made game, with professional retro graphics and music, simple gameplay and nicely done levels with rising difficulty, perfect for the casual player and those missing ancient gaming consoles.

Google Play Link

Fatal Fall by GAMEOLIC SRL - Android Featured App

Fatal Fall by GAMEOLIC SRL - Android Featured App  

Everyone loves arcade games in general and platform games in particular. The reasons are varied and are actually quite complicated, in stark contrast to the arcade games themselves which are usually quite simple. First of all, people like simple games. Our lives are usually so complicated that a simple game comes as a relief.

In addition, we like a challenge and platform games are usually quite challenging and require lightning quick reflexes and rapid eye to hand coordination. But actually the thing people like the best about platform games in the story, as weird as it sounds.

Now, Fatal Fall by GAMEOLIC is a platform game with some very interesting twists and a unique story.

Fatal Fall's story is interesting and one that we haven't seen before. There's a first to anything and actually that's why we're here in Android Review Center, to see those new and different things for Android Smartphones. Anyway, in Fatal Fall, jack who had a little more to drink than is strictly good for him, finds a deep hole in the ground and falls down. And down. And down.

And this is where the player comes in. The player must now take control of Jack and turn his plummet into a controlled fall, avoiding obstacles, finding power-ups and even upgrading Jack's style, something which no one wants to neglect.

The game itself is very simple. Jack falls down and the player can make him veer to the left or right to avoid obstacles or pickup valuable items that happen to appear. The game's difficulty rises as Jack keeps falling deeper and even his descent becomes faster.

The power-ups are quite varied, from parachutes to temporarily slow Jack's fall to a power-up that lets Jack swim across the pit and even some power-ups that upgrade Jack's style and clothes.

So, Fatal Fall is a quirky game with a quirky sense of humor with simple but challenging game-play that can compete against any platform game on Google Play for sheer fun and enjoyment.

Google Play Link

Jibumba Messenger - Android Featured App

Jibumba Messenger by KRR GAMES - Android Featured App  

We at Android Review Center believe that Android smartphones are there to provide us with a mobile office, mobile entertainment center and of course, mobile communications center. We tend to focus quite a bit on the mobile office and mobile entertainment center functionality but we mustn't forget communications was the first role of phones and it remains their most important one. 

Online chatting and messaging has become the mainline of communications on smartphones today for many reasons. Writing a text message is easy, fast, usually with emoticons, can be shared between many people in a group, is usually free and can easily work internationally over oceans or wherever there is WiFi or cellular data connectivity.

Consequently, there are a lot of messenger apps out there today but we would like to introduce Jibumba Messenger, a messenger app with one aim in mind, an aim that should be very dear to us all.

First of all, let's talk about functionality. Jibumba has all the features any self respecting messenger app should have. Sending and receiving messages. Setting up groups. Sending and receiving any media files. Using a whole lot of emoticons for any conceivable emotion or situation we would like to represent.

So, where does Jibumba excel? It aims to save us the most precious commodity we have today, our time. On every level, this messenger app has made a real effort to save our time with whatever task we need to do with the messenger.

Setting up the app is simple and QUICK because it uses your phone number as your ID. Then, every one of your phone contacts is checked and everyone who has Jibumba installed is added to your messenger app contacts automatically. In addition, this app's interface is designed for simplicity and ease of operations, unlike other messenger that are so bloated with unnecessary features they have become very difficult to operate.

So, whatever you want to do in this messenger app such as enroll, look for a contact, share location and status, switch phone and numbers (yeah, occasionally this has to be done and other messengers are either very difficult to switch or require so many passwords and logins to be made your can never find heads and tails in them), Jibumba will do it much quicker and simpler than other messengers.

And like we already mentioned, time is now our most precious commodity and we LOVE every app that helps us save it!

Google Play Link
