Showing posts with label android featured app. Show all posts
Showing posts with label android featured app. Show all posts

Prende - Android Featured App

Prende by Prende Entertainment - Android Featured App  

Phones have started as devices for communications but they have evolved into Android Smartphones that are complete entertainment centers, mobile offices and communications centers. Of course, being communications centers, there is nothing actually as important as what Prende.    

Not all of us will acknowledge it, but one of the most difficult and important things in life is finding a good spouse. It is actually so important that it potentially can affect our entire life. Of course, finding a good spouse is more difficult than it seems, especially in our modern and cyber oriented world.

Prende by Prende Entertainment is an app that makes a very good attempt to solve these problems.

Prende is social networking app that is more than just dating, though finding one's true love is certainly possible and really quite easy with Prende. The app allows the user to create a complete profile of himself or herself, complete with pictures, descriptions, hobbies and everything else the user might want to add.

Then, Prende allows the user to search and find nearby people who answer user defined criteria. The user can browse those peoples' profiles, seeing their pictures, hobbies and everything they felt the need to share with the other users of Prende. 

Striking up a conversation with someone is sometimes very difficult, even in the cyber world, which is why Prende offers a set of tools to communicate. Starting from pokes, different kinds of predefined messages and even following people, the user can contact the owner of the profile he or she liked. There is even a very useful feature to see who followed and viewed your own profile. 

Then, Prende allows the users to interact fully with messages and chatting, creating bonds starting from searching for bridge or Clash of Clans players to actually finding spouses and love interests.

Prende's beautiful and professional interface makes one of the most difficult yet important tasks in our lives a lot easier and a lot faster, and that's what we love in great apps for Smartphones.

Google Play Link

Empty Fridge - Android Featured App

Empty Fridge by Chabislav - Android Featured App  

The reason we don't tired of location, reviewing and writing reports about apps is the endless variety, imagination and thought put into those apps. Of course, sometimes we happen to chance on a real star, an app for Android Smartphones that really shines, showing us that the app's maker really had imagination and flair or just created a REALLY useful app. Sometimes, it is one and the same.

First of all, we have to outline the problem and it is one that is actually very close to home and affects everyone, from bachelors to students to teenagers coming home from school to exhausted parents to elderly folk. The problem is, what do we do with the few ingredients and leftovers that are ALWAYS present in everyone's refrigerator?

The problem has been solved by an ingenious app called Empty Fridge, and we'll reveal how exactly it solves it.

The app's operation itself is laughable simple, which is a sign of a great app since a great app even with complicated algorithms does not have to possess an overly complex user interface. Anyway, with Empty Fridge we just have to input a list of ingredients (those that we have in our fridge, of course. That's the whole idea) and the app gives us a list of recipes.

After we receive the list of recipes, we choose one of the presented recipes from the list and then we can see the whole recipe, complete with directions, phases and every kind of instruction we might need in order to actually make the recipe.

Now, the benefits of Empty Fridge should be obvious to everyone. Instead of throwing away things we have in the fridge or (some might consider this even worse ...) just stockpile things and ingredients we don't know what to do with, Empty Fridge gives up a viable alternative in the form of a recipe that actually uses the things that we already have. 

During October 2014 Empty Fridge has received a major update, solving all of the known bugs, improving the user interface and the recipe finding algorithm to enable it to find more recipes with the things we need. Empty Fridge let's us save money and time by letting us reuse things we have, and that's what good Android Smartphones are for.

Google Play Link

Super Jet World - Android Featured App

Super Jet World by Elevated Vision - Android Featured App  

Let's face it, the amount of adventure most of us get to enjoy during the year is quite limited, mostly having to do with a reckless driver on the freeway. We get up, go to work, get home, go to sleep and then the recycle begins anew the next day. People with spouses and especially kids get to have a little more excitement in their lives but it is still not what one would call an adventure. 

Adventure consists of getting to new places, exploring them, battling or at least escaping the attention of various evil monsters. A large part of what adventure consists is not knowing what is coming next, what kind of crazy scenery we will find and what crazier beings are there to defend it and protest our arrival. 

Super Jet World is a kind of adventure, a simple action game that nevertheless manages to take us to fantastic places.

The game itself is quite intuitive and easy to learn. The player takes on the character of an old war vet who pilots a jet aircraft, controlling it simply through touch motions on the screen. The pilot must take his jet through some really wild environments while things become increasingly difficult as creatures, monsters and conditions themselves worsen by the minute.

We talked earlier about adventures and Super Jet World is a real adventure. The player gets to explore underground caverns, erupting volcanoes, unpredictable jungles and even outer space. Of course, every environment has its own dangers and specific native life, making exploring dangerous yet thrilling.

The makers of Super Jet World made a real effort to produce a fun and interesting game. On of their most interesting features is the ability to custom the jet our pilot is using, a feature not commonly seen on action games. The player can select colors, shapes and even the flag the jet flies behind it, all to suit the player's tastes and desires.

The game also has a plethora of other useful features like a catchy and slightly retro sounding music, a leadership board and the ability to allow the player to challenge his or her friends to a friendly competition and the game itself has several modes of play, from campaign to survival, making the player pilot the jet in increasingly difficult conditions, really testing the player's reflexes and piloting ability.

Google Play Link

Tapet - Wallpapers Reinvented - Android Featured App

Tapet - Wallpapers Reinvented by SharpRegion - Android Featured App  

Let's face it guys, we've all been there. We've all moved through the same process. First of all, we put a pic of something cool as our smartphone's wallpaper. Then, someone get's annoyed, be it spouse or sibling and then we are forced to put THEIR pic on the wallpaper. But after a time, it get's annoying. We see our loved ones every day at home, why should we see them on our smartphones' as well?

Then, we try switching pics, but then we run the risk of putting a pic of the spouse she or he doesn't like, or just the hassle of constantly switching the wallpaper pics because how long can anyone keep seeing the SAME pic on the wallpaper? Eventually, we get sick of seeing ANYONE's pic on the wallpaper so we return to the original pic the smartphone came with.

But, Tapet - Wallpapers Reinvented has found a great solution to this universal problem. Let us tell you how and why.

What does Tapet to? Well, quite simply it creates random wallpapers based on eye pleasing geometric designs based on shapes, contours and colors generated randomly by the app in an automatic way on scheduled intervals with several configurable options such as the colors, shapes and themes the app will use. 

So what does that give us? First of all, Tapet insures that we get a new and colorful wallpaper whenever we want it (actually, as frequently as we set the app to generate a new wallpaper). The app's algorithms insure that we will never see the same wallpaper twice and we will never be able to guess how the next wallpaper will look. No need to ever search for new pics for out wallpaper!

Tapet's algorithm insures that the wallpaper generated will be at the highest resolution supported by your device. The algorithms also insure that the user will never be bored by seeing the same wallpaper twice and constant updates install yet MORE themes for Tapet to use. Of course, since this is not an active live wallpaper, battery and CPU drain by Tapet are non existent. 

Withe many effects such as blur, saturation and more and with no need to go online to check for images or such things, Tapet will always surprise you with new wallpapers even if you are abroad with no penalty to your internet data package.

To sum things up, Tapet creates beautiful parallax wallpapers optimized for the device it is installed on with minimum drain on the smartphone and with the ability to constantly surpirse and please the user with eye catchy, geometric wallpapers.

Google Play Link

V-Star Mobile VoIP / SIP Phone - Android Featured App

V-Star Mobile VoIP / SIP Phone by VoX Communications - Android Featured App  

There are three important roles Android Smartphones play. They are mobile offices, mobile entertainment centers and of course, mobile communications center. Communications are in fact one of the smartphons' most important roles and it is actually the origin of the whole smartphone idea.

But communications have many sides to them and one of them is owning a phone number. Even in this day and age of the Internet, Skype and Whatsapp, still the phone number is our identification and one of the most important pieces of information contained within our smartphones.

We would like to introduce V-Star Moblie VoIP / SIP Phone app and explain what exactly makes this app so exciting.

The first thing that makes us here at Android Review Center so exciting is that V-Star is a VoIP app, which is an app that allows us to make and receive regular phone calls through the Internet. But, this has been done before. One of the unique things about V-Star is that is allows us to produce and receive a new and unique phone number.

What does that mean?Let's say we want to do some business on Craiglist, or just do a job interview without giving away any biographic details about us before time (because we don't want our current employer to know) or we login into a date site and wish to hide our phone number. With V-Star, we get the opportunity to receive a new phone number, use it for the purpose we needed it and then discard it.

This gives us an unparalleled level of privacy. In addition, V-Star also implements a VERY wide range of pricing subscriptions to make and receive calls, both domestic and international to help us select the best one for us, whether we want to pay by the minute, or buy a prepaid package, or go for the international option. Everything is possible.

To sum things up, V-Star is actually an app for everyone, to receive and use a new phone number on a very well designed app that hides our real phone number AND let's us select a pricing package for any conversations we need to make and pay for only what we use and what we select.

Here at Android Review Center, we love apps that save us money, and V-Star saves us money AND helps restore some amount of privacy in this digital world.

Google Play Link

Just Get 10 - Android Featured App

Just Get 10 by Veewo Games - Android Featured App  

Puzzles are among the games we really appreciate here at Android Review Center. Since Android Smartphones can and are used as mobile entertainment center, there's really nothing entertaining like a good puzzle, since the player can whip it out any free time he or she has and puzzle solving actually requires thinking and making the brain work, which is always a good thing.

However, finding an original puzzle is harder than it looks. There are tens of thousands if not more puzzles of different kinds on Google Play and it get's harder and harder to find a puzzle that is original, is interesting and challenging and is also fun.

However, we are quite pleased to introduce Just Get 10, an innovative puzzle game for Android from Veewo Games. 

So, what exactly is Just Get 10? Well, the game itself is quite simple though the difficulty level rises rapidly. In the game, the player is presented with a board filled with colorful numbers. The player must tap and join together numbers with the same color and the same value and then they combine to form a number with a higher value.

Then, the user must combine yet more numbers to work up the value and reach as high as possible, hopefully reach the value of ten, which is the goal of the game. Of course, the challenge comes from the physical layout of the number presented when the board is first displayed, because the player must think ahead to figure out how to combine numbers without blocking future progress.

Just Get 10 sports lovely music and sounds which make the gaming experience much more pleasant. The graphics are professional and colorful and look perfectly well on higher end smartphones and tabets' large displays. The game also supports leadership boards on Google Play and some sharing features which make gameplay even more fun.

For a quick challenge for those few minutes we want to relax or to train kids in spacial understanding and manipulation, not to mention planning ahead along with some basic math skills, Just Get 10 is one of the best and more enjoyable puzzle games we saw on Google Play.

Google Play Link
