Showing posts with label ehelp community. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ehelp community. Show all posts

ehelp community by Francisco Yanez - Android App Featured - Update

ehelp community by Francisco Yanez - Android App Featured - Update   

We've already wrote a review about ehelp community on Android Review Center but we have a habit of looking backwards are revisiting some of the apps we like the most and that give the most to their users, in the hopes that the reader of this site might find those apps helpful for them as well. After all, this is the reason Android Review Center exists.

Now, the app in question is ehelp community which is after all another type of social networking app, the likes of which we have seen far too many lately. What makes ehlelp community special? Well, for this we must understand what social networks are. 

Let's take some of the biggest social networks existing today, established networks with almost a billion users. It doesn't cost anything to use the network but this is because we the users are actually the PRODUCT, being sold to advertisers with all our private data, such as what we are interested in.

ehelp community is something else, a social network with a purpose and one that will not take advantage of the user and try to integrate with his or her email, blog and cloud storage like other social networks have tried to do.

ehelp community is free and will remain so, and not at the expense of the app selling your info to advertisers or tying in other unrelated services to the network.

Of course, the most important thing in ehelp community is posting whatever you intend to give or trade and the app provides extensive features to make that as exact and precise is possible. The user gets to select the category of his post, from clothes to electronics to jobs and then he or she can fill in the details, starting from location and then specifying exactly the thing or service to be given or traded.

On the other hand, users searching for things may do so using location (which is vital for a global community spanning the world) to category to specific keywords to find whatever they need. This is exactly where ehelp community holds the greatest potential, in maintaining a world spanning and ever growing group of people that are all dedicated to helping others and themselves at the same time.

There is no other social network that is really dedicated to doing good like ehelp community is. The app and the network behind it are based on the age old understanding that doing good for others is doing good for oneself, not only in the abstract metaphorical way but also in the real physical sense, trading and communicating instead of buying things and just throwing them away.

Of course, part of it is the connection to the business side of things, in a good way as various businesses are encouraged to provide coupons and discounts for the community, gaining popularity and a loyal group of customers in exchange.

ehelp community website.

Google Play Link
