Showing posts with label Android App Featured. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android App Featured. Show all posts

Wrath of Obama - Android App Featured

Wrath of Obama by Ankaar Productions - Android App Featured   

Innovation is the true key for success and apparently some game studios would go to any lengths and leave no stone un turned to make a truly innovative and refreshing game. Of course, as gamers and users of Android smartphones and mobile devices, this is what we love. 

The Wrath of Obama is truly an innovative game, actually making an alternate history version of the Earth where a Lenin demon creates hordes of communists undead and Obama and Putin unite to combat this new and unorthodox threat to humankind. 

The game itself has a really interesting and surprising plot, while the gameplay varies between several types of action game. The graphics are quite good, even great at times and the interface as a whole is very slick and easy to use.

To sum things up, this is a game for those looking for thrills, deep and surprising conspiracies and straight and furious action. Then again, you get to play not one but TWO of the most powerful men on earth ...

PatPat by Interfocus - Android App Featured

PatPat by Interfocus - Android App Featured   

The great thing about Android smartphones and mobile devices is the apps. There are already millions of apps on google play, all ready to be downloaded and run instantly on your mobile devices. These apps can be broadly divided into several types, from mobile office apps to mobile entertainment apps, gaming apps and last but not least, security apps.

But actually, the apps EVERYONE love the most are those that save us money. What can we do? We are all people with limited funds and everything that saves us money is welcomed. Of course, saving money is also fun, regardless of the amount saved but doubly so if the amount is substantial. 

Well, we decided to dedicate this article to one app that allows us to save substantial amounts of money in the are we need the most. Moms. As everyone who had a baby (or has had a baby born in the family or to a close friend) knows, babies (and moms!) are expensive. There is no end to the things you need to buy for them, starting from a carriage to diapers and bottles and the list goes on endlessly and VERY expensively.

This is where PatPat comes into play. This app helps moms do the shopping they need for the babies and themselves by presenting every day deals and sale events from quite a lot of manufacturers and online retailers. The user needs only to open the app to see which items are on sale and where, with savings reaching up to ninety percent, not including various giveaways.

The app also has a search function to help the user find sales on things he or she needs and notifications on especially interesting sales and events appear on the smartphones notifications bar. More useful features are the "pat" button which lets the user share the news of his or her purchase among the PatPat users (and receive credits for the share) and the ability to share on Facebook good purchases info, and receive credits as well.

PatPat is exactly what is needed to save money for purchases for the mom and baby. More than just an app that brings you news of sales, PatPat is a community of users, selecting together the good sales and products, all designed to help us find what we need and be able to purchase it as cheaply as possible.

Of course, this app is a must for any seller of baby and mom stuff, but's that for another article ...

Galaxy Wars: Space Defense - Android App Featured

Galaxy Wars: Space Defense by Psycho Sandwich Studios - Android App Featured   

Android Review Center is a professional review site for articles and reviews about any and all apps and games for Android smartphones and mobile devices. Okay, how do you differentiate between the professional and amateur review sites? Well, it is quite simple, really. A professional site and article writers adhere to a strict set of rules when reviewing an app. 

In other words, it is not enough just saying we like an app or a game. We have to say WHY we like (or dislike it) and then use the same set of rules or guidelines when reviewing all apps.

Well, what about Galaxy Wars: Space Defense? It's got spectacular graphics but is it any good as a game?

Galaxy Wars: Space Defense is a space shooter, an action game where the player gets to pilot a ship (or space fighter, to be exact) and fight against hordes of enemies, all shooting back with missiles, beam weapons, mines and a lot more ... The game is has a 2D setting where the player looks from above on the unfolding action and pilots his or her fighter with finger swipes across the mobile device's screen.

This game has a lot of things going for it. Its graphics are amazing, crystal clear and vibrant, even in the midst of furious battles. The fighters the player use can be upgraded and the enemies along with the bosses are many and varied. 

Well, our rules for reviewing games and apps state that each app and game must be measured up against the goals its type of app or game aim for, and Galaxy Wars does great job. The game is simple to operate and the player gets right to business, to the combat. Control is simple and easy and even the various upgrades are simple and easy to operate.

Psych Sandwich Studios create an action game that is ideal for those who want quick and furious combat RIGHT NOW and those who want to test their minds by coming up with various strategies and not only their reflexes, though in this game both will be tested sorely.

A great action game, varied and colorful, Galaxy Wars takes a seat of honor among the space shooters on Google Play.

Will it rain? Weather alerts by Smartcode Software - Android App Featured

Will it rain? Weather alerts Smartcode Software - Android App Featured   

In our modern day and age, one of the most unpredictable things that has the greatest impact on us is the weather. Let's face it, our choice of clothes, the protection we bring to our devices, whether or not to bring along an umbrella and a rain coat may all depend on the whether. And it's not just a comfort thing. Decisions such as whether to drive, what to plan to do with the kids or where to take our date all depend on the whether. 

But the most important thing we need to know about the whether is about rain. Everything else can be managed but rain is the factor that may decide for us what we do and what we plan. There are on google play quite a lot of apps that report the weather accurately and comprehensibly, so what do we need another weather app for?

Will it rain ? Weather alerts does something which is both simple yet very necessary. After installing and configuration (of location and things like that), the app stays dormant and only pops up a alert whenever it knows that in the configured location it is going to rain tomorrow.  

Such a simple functionality is nevertheless very important. We already said there are quite a lot of weather apps for Android smartphones on google play but the problem with most of them is the wealth of information they supply, from two week forecast to satellite weather maps to temperature in famous locales, to specify just a few.

The obvious result of this is that our user, who only wants to know how to dress and how to plan his day tomorrow, will usually be too lazy or busy to wrestle with the weather apps to get the info he or she needs.

That's why Will it rain? Weather alerts is so useful. It notifies the user without making the user search or work, whether it will rain tomorrow. And that is the most important and most useful piece of information the user needs to know.

Time With Words by Rooster Media - Android App Featured

Time With Words by Rooster Media - Android App Featured   

All work with no fun makes us dull and uninteresting ... This is more than just a saying. Games are meant to entertain but the best of games also serve another function. They improve our skills and our capabilities, whether they improve our coordination, our math skills or our linguistics skills. Or are important. 

But just developing our skills is not fun. We require something that will pleasure us, make us feel fun, at the time we're playing it otherwise it will just become homework and we KNOW that's no fun. So, in order to be fun a game must be challenging with a gradually increasing difficulty. We require it be entertaining and be simple to operate.

Time With Words seems to have everything pat down. It is a simple word guessing game where the user is presented with a hidden word and then has to guess what it is. Every few seconds another letter from the word is revealed and the total score for the word is decreased. After reaching enough points, the next level with even harder words is made available. 

Time With Words has several things going for it. First of all, it is very easy to operate and quick to run. There are no complex menus to operate and many options to select. The player just has to open the app and start playing, which makes it ideal for those with just a few spare moments here and there who want to relax.

The gradual increase in difficulty in the game makes it easy for everyone to pass the few first levels relatively fast while giving the players a warm up time to get their skills in shape before the more difficult words arrive. Even with the more difficult words, the game gives the player a few seconds before it reveals a letter, giving everyone a fair chance to guess the word.

To sum things up, Time With Words is a simple, quick to play yet quite challenging word finding game. With simple yet satisfying graphics and a large word database with several difficulty levels, Time With Words is the ideal game for those who have a few moments to play now and then, want to have fun and brush up on their linguistic skills. 

blabel by Vetrya - Android App Featured

blabel by Vetrya - Android App Featured   

Android smartphones (and the other kinds too ...) have several main functions or features. They serve as mobile offices, mobile entertainment centers, mobile security centers and last but certainly not least, mobile communications centers. That last feature is important because let us not forget that smartphones have evolved from phones, and communications was the main if not only function phones served.

But we must not forget another important thing. We are in the 21st century now and talking on the phone is so ... 20th century. Now we text, and instant chat, and share movies and songs and files. Communications now is so much more than 'just' talking. We share feelings, moments, pictures. Actually, we now share pieces of slices of our lives.

This is what instant messenger apps are all about. But, Google Play has so many instant messenger apps, from Whatapp to Wechat to Tango to the current Facebook messenger app. Where is the innovation? Where is the instant messenger app that does more than the others?

Well, we would like to introduce babel, an Italian designed and American produced messenger app.

blabel has all the functionality a good messenger app should have. People can send text messages, chat, send media files from pics to videos. In addition, the app supports sending voice messages from device to device and all the obvious group functionality, from group creation, deletion and so on and so forth.

However, blabel has some very interesting additions that make us forsee good things for this relatively new messenger app. First of, the design and UI. It is quite clear where the Italians have pitched in their ideas and outlook as blabel is perhaps one of the better looking and better designed apps we have seen lately, with buttons, menus and background blending in to give a great user experience.

But the app really shines when we come to consider its special features. First and foremost, blabel allows us to hook several devices into the same account and that can make life SO great, as we can chat with friends and don't miss on conversation even if we are now surfing the Internet on our tablet while our smartphone is charging.

blabel also supports web interface (i.e. chatting right from our desktop!), self destruction messages and pokes, searching and sending songs and a lot more, with everything packaged into a beautiful, easy to use interface.

Did we already say we see great things in the future for this app?

Wolf Online by 1Games - Android App Featured

Wolf Online by 1Games - Android App Featured   

Did you ever hear the call of the wild? Did you ever want to throw away the shackles of civilization and connect to your own wild, untamed side? Did you ever want to nurture a pack of wild beasts, every bit as savage as you are (on the inside, of course ...) ?

With Wolf Online, you can do all this.

Wolf online is not only the ideal hunting game, but is really lets you rip and glorify in savage hunting, fighting and conquering. You get to select to play as one out of three types of wolf in a wild and savage setting. You have to survive and thrive in hostile conditions, hunt for food, fight other predators and defend yourself from enemy wolf tribes.

Of course, the interesting part of the game comes from the fact that you not only have to care for yourself but for your pack as well, calling them to help you fight large and dangerous play. Online playing is a major theme in the game, whether it is to fight other players or join forces to bring down huge prey.

Wolf Online has that special quality that calls to the player, letting him or her immerse himself or herself in a fantasy setting that is just as interesting as the real world, though with much more teeth and fantastic monsters!

Bubble Shooter by Super Droid Studio - Android App Featured

Bubble Shooter by Super Droid Studio - Android App Featured   

Who hasn't spend hours and hours bursting bubbles with the classic, trusty bubble shooter game? From desktops to old IPACS to even older mobile devices, all carried this game and there's no one who hand't played it and shouted with joy when ten or more bubbles burst at the same time.

Now, finally, a great version of the game had hit Google Play. It has all the elements everyone loved from the original game. A great many levels, challenging starting points, multiple colors and the bubble shooter itself, that you can carefully aim to shoot your bubble at the correct place. 

On the smartphone, this is an ideal game for those looking for a few quiet minutes, or to keep their brains busy, or just have the kids develop their thinking skills in a game that is completely lacking in violence.

Motorbike Rideout - Android App Featured

Motorbike Rideout by Rideout Applications - Android App Featured   

For people who aren't into motorbikes, there's nothing special about that vehicle. It's just a car with two wheels less than a car, no protection from the elements and much less safety. However, for those that ARE into motorbikes, a motorbike is much more than just a vehicle.

In fact there is in every country a truly international society of motorbike riders. For them, a motorbike is a way of life, even if they get to ride their bike a few hours every weekend. For those people, a motorbike is a way to keep and maintain their freedom and identity.

This is where Motorbike Rideout comes into play, an app to bring all the power and technology of Android Smartphones to that mystic society of motorbike. In simple words, Motorbike Rideout is a social network made especially for riders.

What does the app do? First and foremost, it creates a social network of bikers, a place where anyone can find, meet and hangout with other riders, because there may be a whole group of riders right in your neighborhood which you never met and never knew existed ... 

After that, the app manages events, rideous, and bike club activities. A person can enter, search and find events according to location, time, destination and see exactly who is attending, what is their plan, the route and every kind of information about the events. Of course, clubs who want to keep their events private can do so easily. 

In addition, the app has an important real time component that shows your location and the location of any other riders on the map, on a predefined radius. Perfect of ad hoc hooking, or to manage a large scale riding event (and finding the ones who drifted behind or took a wrong turn), Motorbike Rideout is the perfect app to manage an event on real time.

With a lot of countries already support, and more and more countries and languages being added all the time, this app is perfect for those who need and want to more motorbike riding and organization into the 21st century.

Google Play Link

ZyShopper by ZyShopper Inc - Android App Featured

ZyShopper by ZyShopper Inc - Android App Featured   

Online shopping has grown strong and popular these past ten years. Starting with, other retailers have gone online, creating a huge number of online retailers offering everything there is to buy online, from dogs to pianos to cellphones to everything and anything else.  

And that is what had made online shopping a problem, making a growing number of people renounce online shopping all together. The problem is in the selection process. The sheer number of items on offering and the sheer number of varieties, along with the huge number of online stores makes shopping into a grueling, painful affair.

It has become VERY difficult to find things that you like. Okay, if you know you want Ciero Adidas shoes, there's no problem. You just search it, see the various options and select the shop that is cheapest, most reliable and has the best reviews. BUT, what if you want shoes that are LIKE Ceiro? Then, you have a problem.

Shopping is not only for getting groceries for our salad. Shopping is an emotional thing, we need to find and buy things that we like, but finding things that we like can be a long and arduous process because no amount of searching can find shoes that are similar to Ciero that will be liked by us.

And this is what ZyShopper has come to solve. 

ZyShopper is all about emotional shopping. It presents a limited number of products from each online store and lets us easily and naturally browse them, looking at each one, finding more pics if we want them and letting us tag the products we like with a heart sign. The app also lets us move to the next store, again presenting us a limited number of products. 

So, what the deal with ZyShopper? The app learns the things we like, measuring how much time we spend with each product, how many pics we viewed of each product, which did we mark with a heart sign and which stores we browsed and for how long. Then, the app will present us with things we like, based on OUR preferences.

ZyShopper really has the potential to revolutionize shopping, turning it into a pleasant experience, light and graphical that automatically brings us the things we like the most from the stores that we need. In our opinion, this app will take online shopping towards the next level, towards the personalized, emotion and preference based shopping.

Google Play Link
