Showing posts with label Android App Featured. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Android App Featured. Show all posts

Circle Pong - Android App Featured

Circle Pong by Super Droid Studio - Android App Featured   

Simplicity has its virtues and among the hundreds of thousands of games on google plus there exist a huge selection of complicated games, with complex rules, dozens of units and untold rules, all creating games that are better played on tablets and require quite a lot of time, both to understand how to play and to play each session.  

On the other side of the scale exist the simpler games, games that do not require such a lot of time to understand the rules or to manage to play a session, which is both more suitable to Android Smartphones and to our own busy life and cramped schedules, where we can barely find a few minutes to relax between appointments or work..

Of course, even among the games that are shorter and simpler by nature there exist a great variety. Some are puzzles which require puzzle and riddle solving, obviously. Others are arcades, designed to let the player struggle with difficulties while he or she fights to move the game's character from start to finish.

Finally, there exists the arcade or action genre which is simple and requires great hand to eye coordination, lightning fast reflex and unwavering concentration. These games are very popular because they are really great to pass a few idle minutes, are very relaxing as the player's fingers flash across the screen and the concentration needed helps the player focus easier on his tasks later on.

Circle Pong is a very interesting example of the action genre. 

The aim of Circle Pong is quite simple. Use your finger to control the bat and keep the ball inside the circle. Of course, the ball moves faster and faster and the player must move his fingers faster in order to bring the bat to the correct place in order to keep the ball inside the circle. Along with fast and rhythmic music, Circle Pong is very fun variation of the ping pong game. 

Circle Pong is quite difficult as the concentration needed to keep the ball inside the circle is intense. One wrong finger pass or one distraction is all that suffices to let the ball escape and finish the game. The challenge is on, not only to succeed in keeping the ball inside the circle, but also to keep succeeding for a longer period of time.

To sum things up, Circle Pong is both simple, eminently playable and a lot of instant fun, great for any idle moment and great for both reflexes and concentration. 

Google Play Link

Wizz The Shizz by 4314Games - Android App Featured

Wizz The Shizz by 4314Games - Android App Featured   

One of the great things about Android Smartphones (and probably about the other kind, too) is the usefulness of these devices. They are full blown computers, complete with high resolution screens and input devices and with computation power that sometimes exceeds that of standard desktop and the things you can do with them are virtually limitless.  

This makes our current time become a gamer's paradise. The sheer amount of games of different types available for download is staggering. There are millions of apps out there on google play with hundreds of thousands if not more games of every type, genre, story, graphics, retro and the list just goes on and on.

Of course, looking at it from the other side makes this a virtual (excuse the pun ...) hell because there are so many games and apps but there is really a limit to human ingenuity which manifests itself as endless and boring repetition of the same thing. For instance, there are hundreds of Clash of Clans clones, each virtually the same game with different graphics.

This is why it has become so important to be able to find ORIGINALITY on google play, games that are really different both in story, concept, gameplay and graphics. Even though a game must have a good gameplay, story and graphics to be playable, sometimes the thing that matters most is its originality. 

This is where Wizz The Shizz by 4314Games really shines. 

Wizz the Shizz is quite a simple game and is meant to make men feel good about themselves (and their contribution to society) and for women to finally understand how men do things ... The object of the game is quite simple. Just wee all the poo stains off the toilet bowl while as fast as possible and keep improving the make your score better and better.

Like we promised, with a VERY original gameplay, a unique concept and witty sense of humor, this game brings a totally new experience to the Android Smartphone player, an experience which no other game or app on Google Play can offer and today, that is a huge achievement. 

Google Play Link

Chocolate Raiders - Candy Puzzle - Android App Featured

Chocolate Raiders - Candy Puzzle by Pixel Racoons GmbH - Android App Featured   

There are a great many things that Android Smartphones can do. Communications, office functions and security (along with safety) are but some of them. However, the most fun function smartphones posses is their ability to function as mobile entertainment centers. In other words, the games that can be played on the our smartphones.  

The games available on Google Play can be divided into several broad categories, with simulators, puzzles, arcade and strategy game being some of the more popular ones. We would like to focus on one particular game, a relatively new entry into Google Play that is called Chocolate Raider, a puzzle game that is also an adventure.

Now, the question that should be asked it this: With thousands (if not millions) of games on Google Play, what does Chocolate Raiders have that makes it special?

What is Chocolate Raiders about? The game is about a chocolate monster, a small cute creature that sets out to steal and eat candy (and cakes and muffins and a lot more), all taken from the king who doesn't really want to part with all his chocolate goodness and share it with our small chocolate monster. The game takes place on levels and the player must solve the puzzle of each level in the least possible moves to win the level, feed the monster and advance to the next level.

So, what makes Chocolate Raiders stand out from the other puzzle games on Google Play? First and foremost, the graphics. It is clear that this game was made with love, with painstaking attention to every little detail and with almost limitless number of models, level graphics, special items and of course, sheer chocolate goodness.  

Another is the challenge. With this game, the player must really think. A level can be pretty complex and the player must analyze it and use the special features (from times to donuts to portals) to solve the level. Of course, with hundreds of levels available, the game becomes a never ending joy (and not ends after a measly 30 levels, as some other games do). 

Last but certainly not least, is the lack of violence. This game is relatively violence free and provides a good game for kids to keep busy, out of trouble while still using their brains.

To sum things up, Chocolate Raiders is a completely professional game with amazing graphics, rich gameplay and a sweet undertone, ideal for a quick play or a deep lengthy session. We hope we made it clear what makes this game not like all the rest on Google Play ...

Google Play Link

Amber Weather - EZ Weather HD - Android App Featured

Amber Weather (EZ Weather HD) by Weather Team of EZMob - Android App Featured   

At Android Review Center we usually take a cold, functional look at things, judging and writing about apps and smartphones and everything else as we see them, at face value. We did write that Android Smartphones should be able to be a mobile office, a mobile communications center, a mobile entertainment center and lately we added a safety and security use. But there is another thing that our smartphones should do. 

Let's think about this. We have our smartphones with us all the time, we use them for almost everything (look at the four subjects outlined above) and every piece of conceivable information and media are available for us to consume and there are THOUSANDS of apps that do exactly that. So, the question remains, if all apps deliver more or less the same info, which should we choose?

Our answer, especially after seeing and working with Amber Weather, is that we should choose the most beautiful app.

What does Amber Weather do and what's so special about it? Amber Weather is a weather display app that provides widgets to be placed on the homescreen. The app provides detailed weather reports on right on the homepage, complete with humidity, forecast, location based and with alerts showing up on the smartphone's notification bar. Of course, the widgets automatically adjust for any screen resolutions and tablets' display.

Now, most weather reporting apps support most of the features outlined above, though Amber Weather does add some nifty things such as transparent widgets, multiple weather sources and elaborate push notifications to be shown on the smartphones' notification bar. However, even these features are not what makes Amber Weather special.  

Amber Weather has the best looking, most professional and most beautiful widgets we at Android Review Center ever had the pleasure of seeing. The widgets are designed by professional designers and it is clear a LOT of effort has gone into making them but all we care about is the large collection of breath taking widgets available, with more becoming available each week. 

Beautiful interface is not just a luxury, a nice to have feature. Beautiful interface can transform our entire smartphone experience and Amber Weather does exactly that. Remember, everyone looks at their smartphones HUNDREDS of times per day. The importance of a pleasing user interface can not be over stated.

We hope we made our point. A weather app that displays the weather and forecast, sends notifications and alerts, can work with several weather info sources and comes with gorgeous weather widgets to be placed on the homescreen is something we love, and no one can blame us.

Google Play Link

Hide My IP - Android App Featured

Hide My IP - Android App Featured   

There are differences between real life and life on the Internet (though of course there are people that claim BOTH lives are real. Let's just say Physical Life and Online Life) and one of the most important ones is the relative proximity of the online people. If a bad person has a thing against you in Physical Life, he cannot really reach you but Online Life has brought everyone together.

This means that the person that has a grudge against you can sent you a virus through Email even though you are from different countries. This means that the comment you added to an article may come back to haunt you because someone took offence and now is brewing a lawsuit against you. Internet has brought everyone together, whether they like it or not.

And one of the most important ways to protect yourself is to hide or mask your IP address.

Your IP address (Internet Protocol address) is your online identifier. With your IP, a unique name that you are given by your carrier, the Internet recognizes you and through it everyone comes together and becomes a next door neighbor, for all intensive purposes. This means that if you are interested in keeping your privacy and taking a powerful step towards online security, your first move should be to hide your IP.

Hide My IP is an app that does exactly that, hides your IP and allows you to surf the Internet through a VPN, a tunnel that is isolated from outside interference and connects you directly to your destination. In addition, Hide My IP assigns you an IP according to a selected country. An IP address contains locality information that reports the country, state and sometimes even the city from which you surf. Hide My IP can assign you an IP from another country.

What are the uses of Hide My IP? Well, like we said earlier, this app helps save your IP and privacy. The user of this app can surf the Internet with relative anonymity, without anyone knowing who he or she is and from where he or she comes. In addition, the user of this app can circumvent limitations placed on websites for servicing or refusing services to surfers from specific countries.

Online safety, privacy and security is starting to enter the spotlights these days, and everyone should pay close attention to the risk we are taking when we surf the web. Hide My IP is an important step towards increasing our online privacy and security, a step everybody needs to take in order to protect ourselves in the sometimes over crowded online community.

Google Play Link

Falling Birds Lite - Android App Featured

Falling Birds Lite by Upfront Applications - Android App Featured   

Android Smartphones can be used as mobile offices, mobile communications centers, mobile security and health centers but most importantly, they can be used as mobile entertainment centers. With screens that become larger and larger each year (now 5.5 Inch has become the standard), bigger resolution and high quality speakers, games have become one of the most important apps on smartphones. 

Games come in many types and flavors, but they can be broadly divided into the time and attention needed to play them. There exist the huge, complicated games that need a lot of time (at least half an hour of playing per session) to properly enjoy while at the other end of the scale exist the arcade games, games that are ideal for people that want to fill the small empty times in their lives with some rapid action fun, for instance those that have to wait for public transportation or students.

An interesting example for those arcade games is Falling Birds by Upfront Applications.

First, let's explore the game itself. As an arcade game, Falling Birds should provide lots of quicker and furious action, and it delivers. The game's premise is quite simple. Birds are falling down, waiting to be saved by a quick tap of the finger on them. A cage is waiting at the bottom and the user must save the birds by tapping them before they enter the cage.

Now, to make things more interesting and challenging, there are four types of birds with different coloration and behavior when touched. The green birds just fly away when tap but the red fat birds take with them all the birds on the screen whenever tapped. The blue birds make every other bird freeze for a limited time and the yellow bird are menaces, not to be touched under any occasion,  

Falling Birds comes with a lot of features, all designed to make playing the game more interesting and challenging. The player can select arcade or endless more for more intensive action, there are a huge number of levers to be passed and the game remembers your state if the game is interrupted, letting the player resume the game after the interruption has gone.

Finally, when all is said and done, arcade is all about challenge, speed and lightning fast reflexes and Falling Birds delivers on all three with a solid, challenging and content full game that provides many hours of gaming, passing through the levels or risking it all to play on Endless more.

Google Play Link

Gif-O-Tron - Meme GIF Machine - Android App Featured

Gif-O-Tron - Meme GIF Machine by Gakkle - Android App Featured   

We now live in a new age, in the Internet age. This tells us more than we think at first glance. To get understand what we mean, all anyone has to do is open a social network post that has gone viral and check out the comments. What is to be found there will shock and amaze anyone who is not familiar with this age.

We are talking about the memes, of course. Today, the Internet and the connectivity of the people by social networks and chatting and instant messaging apps have actually created a new language which is quite expressive and graphical. Today, responses and comments can and are made by pics and memes, adding a whole new dimension of expression.

We introduct Gif-O-Tron, a meme database and editor app that is supports a user who wants to express himself or herself with a meme on Android Smartphones. 

First and foremost, Gif-O-Tron is a meme database, a huge collection of memes of all kinds, types and shapes. The user of this app is bound to find anything as the collection is really quite large and is updated automatically over the Internet. In addition, the memes are divided into sections such as WTF, OMG etc.

The interface of Gif-O-Tron is professional and well designed to allow easy finding of any memes the user searches and then easy integration into whatever social network or communications app the user wants. It is a great way to express yourself, whatever meaning or feeling you want to project.

We must not forget to mention that the sheer diversity of the memes and their nature makes browsing through them just for fun a truly funny experience, as the strange profile pics, celebrity mug shots and pet captured images are truly an experience in humor by themselves.

To be part of the scene today, one must talk the lingo. In other words, if you don't have the correct meme and can insert it NOW into the desired comment, someone else will beat you to it or the original post will lost its appeal and audience. Gif-O-Tron is a neat solution to this problem, bringing and using the right meme at the right time.

Google Play Link
